[NatureNS] Digby Neck Quarry - Panel Discussion in Halifax 11 JUNE

Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 22:10:36 -0300
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
From: "P.L. Chalmers" <plchalmers@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Hi there,

         There will be a panel discussion in Halifax concerning the 
proposed quarry at White's Cove on the Digby Neck.  This takes place 
in the Weldon Law Building, Dalhousie University, University Avenue, 
on Monday, 11 June, 5:30-7 p.m.  I have seen a single poster about 
this in the past week and expected to learn more in the print media 
or on the web.  However I haven't been able to find more 
information.  It did look interesting, and since the word doesn't 
seem to have been spread, I thought I should at least share these 
limited details.

         This discussion is timely as final public hearings for the 
White Point Quarry Panel Review begin on June 16th 2007.   The 
hearings will be held at the Digby Pines Conference Centre in 
Digby.  Those  who wish may make a presentation to the Review 
Panel.  Contact Debbie Hendriksen at 902-564-2759.
Letters outlining concerns about this proposed quarry and marine 
terminal are also being received.  For more info:  <http://www. 
Savedigbyneck.org>http://www. Savedigbyneck.org.


         Patricia L. Chalmers
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

Hi there,<br><br>
<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</x-tab>There will
be a panel discussion in Halifax concerning the proposed quarry at
White's Cove on the Digby Neck.&nbsp; This takes place in the Weldon Law
Building, Dalhousie University, University Avenue, on Monday, 11 June,
5:30-7 p.m.&nbsp; I have seen a single poster about this in the past week
and expected to learn more in the print media or on the web.&nbsp;
However I haven't been able to find more information.&nbsp; It did look
interesting, and since the word doesn't seem to have been spread, I
thought I should at least share these limited details.<br>
discussion is timely as final public hearings for the White Point Quarry
Panel Review begin on June 16th 2007.&nbsp;&nbsp; The hearings will be
held at the Digby Pines Conference Centre in Digby.&nbsp; Those&nbsp; who
wish may make a presentation to the Review Panel.&nbsp; Contact Debbie
Hendriksen at 902-564-2759. <br>
Letters outlining concerns about this proposed quarry and marine terminal
are also being received.&nbsp; For more
info:<font face="verdana" size=2>&nbsp;
<a href="http://www. Savedigbyneck.org">http://www.
Savedigbyneck.org</a>.</font> <br><br>
L. Chalmers<br>
&nbsp; </body>


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