[NatureNS] Mystery duck in Windsor

To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Patrick Kelly <patrick.kelly@dal.ca>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 20:53:46 -0300
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Hi everyone:

I did a 3 hour walk into the woods behind Martock this morning and  
found a lake with a female duck and her young. They were too far away  
to get a good look, so I tried to take some pictures and got a few that  
might help identify it.


The main thing that I noticed with binoculars was the the front of the  
neck had a white area, and there is also a while streak that runs  
though the eye and curves down the side of the face. This seems to show  
up best in picture #2. The blue-gray area on the side of the female,   
also shows in #3 but the colour is not as easily seen.


Patrick Kelly
Director of Computer Facilities
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Dalhousie University
PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4
Canada                                 Canada
Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672   E-mail:patrick.kelly@dal.ca

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Hi everyone:

I did a 3 hour walk into the woods behind Martock this morning and
found a lake with a female duck and her young. They were too far away
to get a good look, so I tried to take some pictures and got a few
that might help identify it.




The main thing that I noticed with binoculars was the the front of the
neck had a white area, and there is also a while streak that runs
though the eye and curves down the side of the face. This seems to
show up best in picture #2. The blue-gray area on the side of the
female,  also shows in #3 but the colour is not as easily seen.




Patrick Kelly

Director of Computer Facilities


Faculty of Architecture and Planning

Dalhousie University


PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road

Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4

Canada                                 Canada


Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672  



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