[NatureNS] Odd Crow behavior

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Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 17:42:17 -0300
From: "Richard Stern" <sternrichard@gmail.com>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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As I left my office in Kentville about an hour ago, there were 4 or 5 Crows
angrily mobbing and diving at another Crow - that was on the ground and
appeared to have a broken wing. I don't know if one of the healthy crows
attacked it and broke the wing as a reaction to something it did, or whether
they object to an injured crow in their midst. This behavior went on for a
good 5 minutes, and was continuing when I left.I woinder what the
explanation is, and whether it occurs in other birds.

Richard Stern,
317 Middle Dyke Rd.
Port Williams
B0P 1T0


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<div><br clear="all">Hi,</div>
<div>As I left my office in Kentville about an hour ago, there were 4 or 5 Crows angrily mobbing and diving at another Crow - that was on the ground and appeared to have a broken wing. I don&#39;t know if one of the healthy crows attacked it and broke the wing as a reaction to something it did, or whether they object to an injured crow in their midst. This behavior went on for a good 5 minutes, and was continuing when I 
left.I woinder what the explanation is, and whether it occurs in other birds.</div>
<div>Richard<br>-- <br>#################<br>Richard Stern, <br>317 Middle Dyke Rd.<br>Port Williams<br>B0P 1T0<br><br>rbstern@ns.sympatico.ca<br><a href="mailto:rbstern@xcountry.tv">
rbstern@xcountry.tv</a><br>sternrichard@gmail.com<br>################### </div>


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