[NatureNS] Point Count and Atlasing today

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 02:07:32 +0000
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I finally got a good look at a northern waterthrush as one of my square 
point count stops this morning.

Of interest in Upper Northfield was a grey catbird, immitating a bobolink 
and also a rose-breasted grosbeak.  I didn't know what was going on or what 
bird was vocalizing for a moment.  I was totally befundled for a short time 
until I saw the singer.

I saw my first snapping turtles making out today.  I didn't know what was 
going on for a minute or what I was seeing as the two turtles were on their 
sides, and all I could see was claws and the underpart of shells.

Also, of interest, my first damsel flies for the year and a female 
dot-tailed whiteface.

I'm afraid the outcome for the hooded mergansers at Upper Northfield was not 
good.  The eggs hatched as per egg casings insided the nest box.  I suspect 
that the snapping turtles directly in front of the nest box made fast work 
of the hatchling ducklings.

James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore

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