[NatureNS] 20070512 - ID request - Empidonax sp., Ant. Co.

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Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 10:42:14 -0300
From: "Bruce Stevens" <m.bruce.stevens@gmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <naturens-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All,

My message containing a summary of species from Saturday seems to have been
eaten. Rather than retype the whole thing right now, I'll simply request
some ID of the Empidonax species seen by Randy Lauff and I. The bird did not
vocalize. My first instinct was that this was an Alder Flycatcher, but I
wouldn't be surprised if the consensus was that it is a Least. Here is the



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Hi All,<br><br>My message containing a summary of species from Saturday seems to have been eaten. Rather than retype the whole thing right now, I&#39;ll simply request some ID of the Empidonax species seen by Randy Lauff and I. The bird did not vocalize. My first instinct was that this was an Alder Flycatcher, but I wouldn&#39;t be surprised if the consensus was that it is a Least. Here is the link:


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