[NatureNS] Rearing Cecropias was: Mother of All Cocoons

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Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 12:32:41 -0300
From: "Randy Lauff" <randy.lauff@gmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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I have reared a Cecropia simply by bringing it indoors, putting the stick in
a vase, and leaving it. The only problem with that was that when the moth
emerged, it had to be chased down inside the house (not a big issue, but an
issue none-the-less). You could put the cocoon into a well-ventilated
container (a terrarium with a hardware cloth lid?)

Good luck,

On 21/05/07, Jamie Simpson <jsimpson@win.eastlink.ca> wrote:
>  I'm in Hantsport.
> My wife hatched and released a batch of painted ladies last spring as a
> project with here grade 5 class - a great success with the kids as a
> learning experience.  So we're wondering if it's advisable to repeat the
> experiment here and if so what type of equipment, conditions, and process
> would be required?
> JS
> Randy
> _________________________________
> RF Lauff
> Way in the boonies of
> Antigonish County, NS.

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<div>I have reared a Cecropia simply by bringing it indoors, putting the stick in a vase, and leaving it. The only problem with that was that when the moth emerged, it had to be chased down inside the house (not a big issue, but an issue none-the-less). You could put the cocoon into a well-ventilated container (a terrarium with a hardware cloth lid?)
<div>Good luck,<br><br>&nbsp;</div>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">On 21/05/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Jamie Simpson</b> &lt;jsimpson@win.eastlink.ca&gt; wrote:</span>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">
<div bgcolor="#ffffff">
<div><font face="Arial" size="2">I&#39;m in Hantsport.</font></div>
<div><font face="Arial" size="2"></font>&nbsp;</div>
<div><font face="Arial" size="2">My wife hatched and released a batch of painted ladies&nbsp;last spring as a project with here grade 5 class - a great success with the kids as a learning experience.&nbsp; So we&#39;re wondering if it&#39;s advisable to repeat the experiment here and if so what type of equipment, conditions, and process would be required?
</font></div><span class="sg">
<div><font face="Arial" size="2"></font>&nbsp;</div>
<div><font face="Arial" size="2">JS</font></div></span>
<blockquote style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"><br>Randy<br>_________________________________<br>RF Lauff<br>Way in the boonies of<br>Antigonish County, NS. 


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