[NatureNS] Shubenacadie River Paddle and Clean-up (Saturday, May 12)

Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 08:57:17 -0300
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Shubenacadie River Paddle and Clean-up
(Horne Settlement to Lantz)

Saturday, May 12, 9:00 AM

Meet at Enfield Irving Big Stop (Exit 7, Hwy. 102)

Suitable for open canoes and sea kayaks

Bring rubber boots, gloves, rain gear, food and drink

Garbage bags and disposal of materials collected are provided

Safety policy requires PFDs to be worn while on the water,
while other safety equipment required by the Coast Guard
(floating line, bailer, whistle) have to be on board.

Presented by Canoe Kayak Nova Scotia’s Environment Committee

For more information contact Ian Guppy at 425-5121 evenings

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