[NatureNS] Richmond Co. Migration

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:34:01 -0300
From: George Digout <george.digout@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Received this message from Billy Digout to pass on.Sharon

      "If yesterday (Sunday)  was any indication, this should be a 
pretty good migration count year.  I was servicing the kestrel boxes and 
checking owl and duck boxes.  I got to Grand Greve beach and an invasion 
of warblers seemed to be just arriving, mostly yellow-rumped but also 
some Palm and at least one Black and White.  Not too long after them, a 
couple of kestrels and a flock of about a dozen tree swallows.  There 
were seven or eight flickers as well, although they've probably been 
around awhile."  Last Wednesday & Thursday am he also saw  a Turkey 
Vulture by the overpass to Louisdale.

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