[NatureNS] Palm warblers galore

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 20:42:03 +0000
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I started out today with plans to make a jaunt into my breeding bird square. 
  Looking at how cool it was I decided to change my plans.  I made the 
decision to go trout fishing instead and went to Rhodes Corner.  The lake 
was picture perfect calm and was loaded with insects.  On the way in I could 
hear yellow-rumped warblers, ruby-crowned kinglets, red-breasted nuthatches 
and various other species.  I thought good, maybe I'll get to see a palm 
warbler or two.  Boy was I surprised, as I reached the lake edge and looked 
at the vegetation and trees along the side.  This growth was alive with 
warblers and when I was walking along the road beside the lake warblers were 
hopping out of the way everywhere that I looked and taking to the low 
vegetation.  I did not have my binoculars, but those that I saw with clarity 
I tried to count.  Those that I saw were comprised of 45 palm warblers and 
30 yellow-rumped warblers.  Also with the group were about four black-capped 
chickadees, seven golden-crowned kinglets, at least three ruby-crowned 
kinglets (probably more, but I only counted what I heard vocalizing).  I saw 
one clearly to.  There were also red-breasted nuthatches, a downy 
woodpecker, three tree swallows, four ring-necked ducks, two mallards, a 
red-winged blackbird, common grackles, a northern flicker vocalizing, a 
common snipe winnowing, American crows, a common raven, white-throated 
sparrows, American robins, and I heard evening grosbeaks.  I think that I 
spent as much time watching birds as I did fishing.

I forgot to mention that about a week ago I heard and observed an American 
robin immitating the call of a dark-eyed junco.  I have no idea what that 
was about or have never heard of a robin immitating other birds before.

Other birds of interest today were ospreys back at most locations now where 
one would expect to see them.  A greater yellowlegs at Bayport and two at 
Conrad's Island Beach, Lower Rose Bay.

James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore

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