[NatureNS] Belated long eared owl report

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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 05:28:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rob Woods <rrtwoods@yahoo.com>
To: Nature Nova Scotia <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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While watching the late night hockey game I noticed my dogs started to bark again. This spring my dogs and Barred Owls have nightly conversations but I am usually able to call them back to the house. Luckily I have no neighbours. On this night when I stuck my head out the window the dogs did not respond to calls. Upon listening to the call that they were responding too I realized it was different. A combination of mews and chucks. My first thought was they had treed a stray cat but that was not making sence but at 2am I was not really thinking clearly. When I was relistening to the owl CD to confirm a sawwhet the recording of the Long eared owl was exactly what I heard a couple of nights earlier. The dogs also respond to my recordings of the owls and immediately charged outside.
  Unfortuneately the LE Owl has moved on as I tried for it on the nice nights we had this weekend to no success.
  YB Sapsucker, Tree Swallow, and Woodduck have returned this week. Also had a starling doing a perfect mimic of an eastern pewee. Performed it more than once amougst other calls.
  Rob Woods
  Georgefield NS

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<div>While watching the late night hockey game I noticed my dogs started to bark again. This spring my dogs and Barred Owls have nightly conversations but I am usually able to call them back to the house. Luckily I have no neighbours. On this night when I stuck my head out the window the dogs did not respond to calls. Upon listening to the call that they were responding too I realized it was different. A combination of mews and chucks. My first thought was they had treed a stray cat but that was not making sence but at 2am I was not really thinking clearly. When I was relistening to the owl CD to confirm a sawwhet the recording of the Long eared owl was exactly what I heard a couple of nights earlier. The dogs also respond to my recordings of the owls and immediately charged outside.</div>  <div>Unfortuneately the LE Owl has moved on as I tried for it on the nice nights we had this weekend to no success.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>YB Sapsucker, Tree
 Swallow, and Woodduck have returned this week. Also had a starling doing a perfect mimic of an eastern pewee. Performed it more than once amougst other calls.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Rob Woods</div>  <div>Georgefield NS</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div><p>&#32;

      <hr size=1>Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?<br> Check out
new cars at Yahoo! Autos.


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