[NatureNS] birds and Cecropia moth cocoon

From: "Jeannie" <jeannies@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 19:51:54 -0300
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Hi all,
I was at my cottage most of this week...a lot of birds around.
Fox Sparrows
Purple finch
Pine siskins
Song sparrows
Bald eagles
Downy woodpeckers
Black-capped chickadees
Boreal chickadees
Blue jays
Gray jays
American robins
and while going for a walk in the woods,I flushed out an American woodcock.I 
also saw a Hairy Woodpecker and a male and female Pine Grosbeak.
Now I am patiently waiting to see if my Cecropia moth cocoon has survived 
the winter.Does anyone know when they emerge?
Thank you,Jeannie
Jeannie Shermerhorn,Port Hawkesbury

Cottage....Cape George,Cape Breton


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