[NatureNS] Astronomy Presentation: Friday, March 16 @ 8:00 PM

To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Patrick Kelly <patrick.kelly@dal.ca>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:36:19 -0300
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The next meeting of the Halifax Centre of the Royal Astronomical=20
Society of Canada
will be on Friday, March 16 at Room L176, Loyola Building, Saint Mary's=20=

Some Neat Things About Telescopes"
by Dr. Roy Bishop
This talk includes=A0a variety of somewhat unrelated topics having to=20
do=A0with the design, operation, performance, and history of the
telescope. In effect, my presentation will consist of=20
several=A0mini-talks, each self- contained.=A0Dr. Bishop will=20
used by amateur astronomers, although some topics=A0will be applicable =
any telescope.
Dr. Roy Bishop is a retired professor of physics at Acadia=A0University,=20=

Nova Scotia and is the Honorary President of the=A0Halifax Centre.
 =46rom 1981 until 2001, Bishop edited the=A0Observer's Handbook of the=20=

Royal Astronomical Society of=A0Canada, a vital reference for
professional and amateur=A0astronomers.=A0=A0=A0

Patrick Kelly
National Council Representative
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Halifax Centre, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Halifax Centre: http://halifax.rasc.ca
National:       http://rasc.ca

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<bigger>The next meeting of the Halifax Centre of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada</bigger>

<bigger>will be on Friday, March 16 at Room L176, Loyola Building,
Saint Mary's University.</bigger>



<bold><bigger>Some Neat Things About Telescopes"</bigger></bold>

<bold><bigger>by Dr. Roy Bishop</bigger></bold>

<bigger>This talk includes=A0a variety of somewhat unrelated topics
having to do=A0with the design, operation, performance, and history of
the </bigger>

<bigger>telescope. In effect, my presentation will consist of
several=A0mini-talks, each self- contained.=A0Dr. Bishop will

<bigger>used by amateur astronomers, although some topics=A0will be
applicable to any telescope.</bigger>

<bigger>Dr. Roy Bishop is a retired professor of physics at
Acadia=A0University, Nova Scotia and is the Honorary President of
the=A0Halifax Centre.</bigger>

<bigger>=46rom 1981 until 2001, Bishop edited the=A0Observer's Handbook =
the Royal Astronomical Society of=A0Canada, a vital reference =

<bigger>professional and amateur=A0astronomers.=A0=A0=A0</bigger>


Patrick Kelly

National Council Representative

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Halifax Centre, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Halifax Centre: http://halifax.rasc.ca

National:       http://rasc.ca



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