[NatureNS] founding meeting of Hike Nova Scotia (Sat., March 24)

Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 21:42:07 -0400
From: Dusan Soudek <soudekd@ns.sympatico.ca>
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The date and place for the founding meeting of Hike NS has been set.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 24th and head for the Agri Tech Park in Truro (directions will come with the agenda and other supporting materials in a week's time.

We have sign up members ($10 for individuals, $25 for organizations), adopt our by-laws, and elect officers and directions.  To add some items of more interest we are planning several slide presentations of some hiking experiences and hope to have some interesting guest at lunch.  

To get through the required business we have to start the meeting at 10:00 (9:30 registration) and keep you until 3:30 or 4:00.  We will provide nutrition breaks and lunch.

Anyone interested in discussing a role on the board is strongly encouraged to contact me.  We need representation from all regions - we would particularly like to identify a landowner interest and someone to bring the youth perspective to the table.  This can either be a youth or someone from a youth serving organization.  We all starting at the ground level so don't be shy about coming forward.

I would appreciate you advising me of your plans to attend so we can plan accordingly.

Jim Vance, Interim Secretary  
E-mail: nstrails@sportnovascotia.ca

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