[NatureNS] Re:Lesser Black-backed, Western Tanager, etc.

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:34:29 -0400
From: Joan Czapalay <joancz@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca,
References: <000601c7517b$3b35fe50$1f65fea9@bernard>
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Red-breasted Nuthatch called repeatedly on Saturday, 10th February, near 
Grey Jay seen near Beaverdam Road on Sunday 11th Feb.
Sunday afternoon (11th) Lillian Perry and I saw a pair of Cardinals, 8 
White-throated Sparrows, 4 Song Sparrows, 2 Juncos, and a yellow-bellied 
bird which would not come out for us. (I suspected a Chat from size and 
behavior, but unable to relocate it on Mon. or Tuesday). ( I am 
supervising a student teacher at CSI Elementary School this term, so 
HAVE to spend a few days each month in Shel. County.)
Lesser Black-backed Gull at Dan'l's Head ( Monday 12th Feb.) was kind 
enough to sit beside a Herring Gull for a nice size comparison .
Redhead duck was still with the Scaup near the wharf at Dan'l's Head on 
Sunday and Monday. Also Eared Grebe nice and close to the wharf. Lots of 
sparrows along the road- Savannah's, Songs, and one I wasn't sure- it 
may have been the Vesper, but it went into the lobster traps, so not a 
good enough look.
Three Purple Finches flew into the spruce at the entrance to Kenney 
Road. Lots of Mourning Doves, Robins and Black-capped Chickadees around.
Johnny, Sandra and I missed the Hermit Thrush, but had a Yellow-rumped 
Warbler fly by Johnny's feet at the same location in lower east Baccaro.
Baccaro Point yielded Harlequins, Scoters, Herring and Great-black 
backs, Great Cormorants, Purple Sandpipers..
Tuesday 13th Feb. added Dovekie and  Murre sp. en route to Pubnico. Lots 
of Guillemots around.
 The  Western Tanager appeared quite docile on Tuesday, sitting in the 
ground feeder facing the sun.  It escaped a Sharp-shinned Hawk on  
Monday. Ethelda saw the Hawk take a Junco which was feeding beside it!
Still a Great Blue Heron in W. Pubnico.
Birding is a great way to enjoy the winter! Cheers, Joan
> Hi Tom, Partricia and all... Speaking of Lesser Black-backed Gull I 
> found one today in the Albro Lake (Dartmouth) parking lot, a second 
> winter bird I'm told. It sure was nice to be able to drive right up to 
> it instead of standing in the bone chilling wind that we've been 
> having of late. Too bad its not as handsome as the adult that Richard 
> Stern photographed a couple of years or so ago but one can always hope:
> http://bernieb.smugmug.com/gallery/916397/3/43464755/Medium
> Cheers
> Bernard Burke
> blburke@ns.sympatico.ca <mailto:blburke@ns.sympatico.ca>
> Dartmouth
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