[NatureNS] Some birds in Dartmouth and environs

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 13:57:52 -0400
From: iamclar@dal.ca
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I made a quick circuit of Tufts Cove, Hart. Pt., Rainbow Haven, Bissett L.,
Sullivans Pond this a.m.  No evident influx of seabirds, although Bill
McCormick found a dead Dovekie yesterday in Pt. Pleas. Park. Huge numbers of
roosting gills in various places on the exceptionally high tide (spray across
the road in E. Passage). Among the gulls, the only slightly unusual one was a
3d winter graelsii Lesser Black-backed off Hart. Pt.  Bissett Lake was frozen
over, with only a few disconcolate Am. Black Ducks on the ice. At least 7 Am.
Coots on Sullivans Pond.

Cheers, Ian McLaren

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