[NatureNS] December RASC Meeting Announcement: Friday, December 15th @ 8:00 PM

To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Patrick Kelly <patrick.kelly@dal.ca>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 20:03:22 -0400
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The=A0December meeting of the Halifax Centre of the RASC (Royal=20
Astronomical Society of Canada) will be held=A0Friday,=A0December 15th =
8:00 PM in Room L186 (Please note=A0room change for this month only) of=20=

the Loyola Building at Saint Mary's University.

(A map can be found at the=A0Centre's web site; see below.)

Members of the public are welcome. Attendance is free.

The presentations will be:

1. The Annual General Meeting for the Centre

2. Cataclysmic Footprints, an Eerie Reminder of the Inevitable!=A0by=20
Daniel Majaess

3. Construction of a Personal Observatory Building by Larry Bogan

For additional information about the Royal Astronomical Society of=20
Canada, visit our web site:


Halifax Centre:

Patrick Kelly
National Council Representative
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Halifax Centre, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Halifax Centre: http://halifax.rasc.ca
National:       http://rasc.ca

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The=A0December meeting of the Halifax Centre of the RASC (Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada) will be held=A0Friday,=A0December 15th =
8:00 PM in Room L186 <bold>(Please note=A0room change for this month
only</bold>) of the Loyola Building at Saint Mary's University.

(A map can be found at the=A0Centre's web site; see below.)

Members of the public are welcome. Attendance is free.

The presentations will be:

1. The Annual General Meeting for the Centre

2. Cataclysmic Footprints, an Eerie Reminder of the Inevitable!=A0by
Daniel Majaess

3. Construction of a Personal Observatory Building by Larry Bogan

For additional information about the Royal Astronomical Society of
Canada, visit our web site:



Halifax Centre:



Patrick Kelly

National Council Representative

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Halifax Centre, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Halifax Centre: http://halifax.rasc.ca

National:       http://rasc.ca



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