[NatureNS] Barrows Goldeneye, Dickcissel, Indigo Bunting, Greater Yellowlegs

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 23:26:16 +0000
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Hi All:

First off I'm refraining from putting this on the rare bird alert as there 
are individuals out there that get upset, when they cannot know a location 
of a bird, due to the fact that the property owners do not wish birders to 
come. Their theory is that if we cannot know where the bird is do not put it 
on the rare bird alert.  Therefore leave the Dickcissel and Indigo Bunting 
off of the rare bird alert.  Leave it to say that these two birds are in 
Liverpool.  The Indigo Bunting for the record is a male still showing blue 
down the middle of the chest.  The Dickcissel is a very dull bird in 
comparison to others that I have seen.  Credit for these two birds goes to 
Dorothy Poole.

The one that can be posted on the alert is the Barrows Goldeneye.  This bird 
also found by Dorothy is at the mouth of the Mersey River.  If you park 
overlooking the entrance inside of the Bridge at Liverpool behind the 
hardware store and legion or pool hall and look upriver you should find this 
bird.  It is a male traveling with common goldeneyes.

The Greater Yellowlegs was on the shoreline on the road down to the West 
Berlin Wharf.

Of note were 10 yellow-rumped warblers going down to Andrew's Head.

There is activity at Andrew's Head which cannot be passing environmental 
permits.  There is the intent to put houses along the wetland and a road has 
been put out over the wetlands there without a permit.  They actually put 
the road through another persons property and said the property line had 
been changed and that they were doing this legally. Anyhow, this is going to 
court to get a resolution.  The long and short is that locals would give the 
wetland property to the Nature Conservancy to protect it, but since the road 
has been put through this cannot now happen.  They proposed allowing a road 
in that would not affect the wetlands and would be better for houses and 
still have waterfront access, but the parties in question would not agree to 
such.  They went ahead and put the road over the wetland area anyhow.   The 
people in the area will be organizing to try and stop this developer.  This 
is something that groups might want to look into as a worthy cause.  I 
realize that this is happening in a lot of areas.  For those that have 
birded Andrew's Head this is a good spot for shorebirds and various 
rarities.  Of note they are trying to do a similar thing in Rose Bay.  They 
apparently plan on putting a boom in to contain ground from going into the 
saltwater marsh area and to fill in and put a house right beside the road.  
This hopefully will not transpire either and DNR and the Dept of Environment 
are keeping an eye on this.  Anyhow, enough of that for now.

James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore

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