[NatureNS] Blomidon Naturalists Meeting tonight: Birding in Panama

To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Patrick Kelly <patrick.kelly@dal.ca>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:50:30 -0400
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The regular monthly meeting of the Blomidon Naturalists Society will be=20=

held Monday, December 11th, 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the K C=20
Irving Environmental Science Centre at Acadia University,=20
Wolfville.=A0=A0Richard Stern will=A0give a presentation on=A0A Birder=92s=
to Panama=97Two Weeks in the Heat. In March of 2005, Richard went on a=20=

birding trip with a group of friends from Nova Scotia to two=20
destinations in central Panama, the latest favourite destination for=20
eco-tourists. He will present a talk and slide show of the natural=20
wonders that the group encountered on the trip.=A0 Everyone is welcome.

Richard gave a similar talk recently to the Nova Scotia Bird Society.=20
If you missed that one, now is a great opportunity to see it.

Patrick Kelly

Maritime Breeding Bird Atlas
Regional Coordinator
Region 16 (Annapolis Valley=97Digby Neck)

RR#2  159 Town Road
Falmouth NS  B0P 1L0

(902) 798-3329 (h)     (902) 494-3294 (w)       (902) 423-6672 (f)

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The regular monthly meeting of the Blomidon Naturalists Society will
be held Monday, December 11th, 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the K C
Irving Environmental Science Centre at Acadia University,
Wolfville.=A0=A0Richard Stern will=A0give a presentation on=A0A Birder=92s=
to Panama=97Two Weeks in the Heat. In March of 2005, Richard went on a
birding trip with a group of friends from Nova Scotia to two
destinations in central Panama, the latest favourite destination for
eco-tourists. He will present a talk and slide show of the natural
wonders that the group encountered on the trip.=A0 Everyone is welcome.

Richard gave a similar talk recently to the Nova Scotia Bird Society.
If you missed that one, now is a great opportunity to see it.

__________________________<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>

Patrick Kelly

Maritime Breeding Bird Atlas

Regional Coordinator

Region 16 (Annapolis Valley=97Digby Neck)

RR#2  159 Town Road

Falmouth NS  B0P 1L0


(902) 798-3329 (h)     (902) 494-3294 (w)       (902) 423-6672 =


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