[NatureNS] Yellow-throated Warbler Location

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: NS-RBA@yahoogroups.com, naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 06:17:47 +0000
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Hi all:

I got consent to post the location.  In Rose Bay when turning down towards 
Kingsburg.  The turn off is next to the Corner Store.  You go past a gated 
road and on the left you will see a gravel type pit area.  Across from this 
pit right at the top of the hill or rise in the road (this is the first hill 
or rise) on the right is a driveway that goes in on an angle.  This is the 
location of the bird.  People can go and the owner is Janet Corkum and her 
husband Charles.  There is a gated area with feeders in behind it.  There is 
a red feeder with suet inside of it and this is what the bird is coming to.

James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore

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