[NatureNS] Wagner's Beach, HRM - 16 November 2006

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 17:11:32 -0400
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Blake Maybank <maybank@ns.sympatico.ca>
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16 November 2006

Despite the fog I took my weekly walk to Wagner's Beach

For a map depicting Wagner's Beach, go to the following web site:


Once at the beach itself there was sufficient visibility to notice 17 
Harlequin Ducks in several groups, as well as a lone Red-throated 
Loon.  No sign of the gannets that have been about the past three 
weeks.  On the walk back I found a roving chickadee flock, mostly 
Boreals, but with a late Blue-headed Vireo mixed in.


Blake Maybank
Editor, "Nova Scotia Birds"

author, "Birding Sites of Nova Scotia"

144 Bayview Drive
White's Lake, Nova Scotia,
B3T 1Z1, Canada

(902) 852-2077

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16 November 2006<br><br>
Despite the fog I took my weekly walk to Wagner's Beach<br><br>
For a map depicting Wagner's Beach, go to the following web
<a href="http://maybank.tripod.com/BSNS/Change/HRM-C.htm#update" eudora="autourl">
</a>Once at the beach itself there was sufficient visibility to notice 17
<b>Harlequin Ducks</b> in several groups, as well as a lone
<b>Red-throated Loon</b>.&nbsp; No sign of the gannets that have been
about the past three weeks.&nbsp; On the walk back I found a roving
chickadee flock, mostly Boreals, but with a late <b>Blue-headed Vireo</b>
mixed in.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>
Blake Maybank<br>
Editor, &quot;Nova Scotia Birds&quot;<br><br>
author, &quot;Birding Sites of Nova Scotia&quot;<br>
<a href="http://maybank.tripod.com/BSNS.htm" eudora="autourl">
</a>144 Bayview Drive<br>
White's Lake, Nova Scotia,<br>
B3T 1Z1, Canada<br><br>
(902) 852-2077&nbsp; <br>

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