[NatureNS] Kings Co. Ponds

From: "Ronald Arsenault" <ronga@nbnet.nb.ca>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
References: <20061112134443.RRRR25660.simmts6-srv.bellnexxia.net@DCXQ0461>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:09:45 -0400
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Hello Angus, Judy and all,

I find it interesting to contrast, both numbers and species, the =
waterfowl that others are reporting with what I see here in Memramcook, =
N.B.  Yesterday, while looking at the plant life along the Memeramcook =
River, I also took brief looks at the waterfowl in two different lagoons =
in addition to what I noted in and along the river. =20

Here is what I saw:

Along the Memramcook River:

   ~ 20 Blacks
   ~ 50 G.-w. Teals

In fields surrounding College Bridge Lagoon:

    400 - 500   Canada Geese

In College Bridge Lagoon:

    1 Pintail
   ~ 30 Ring-necked Ducks
   ~ 10 Scaup sp.  (1 looked at closely was a lesser, others not closely =
   ~ 80 N. Shovellers
     5 Common Goldeneyes

In St.-Joseph Lagoon:

   6 Ruddy Ducks
   ~ 10 Ring-necks

And, of all the above species, the one that is the least frequently seen =
and in the lowest numbers, a lone Mallard Drake!  I find it quite =
interesting that while definitely not absent, Mallard numbers seem to be =
so low, especially given that Moncton and Sackville, ~ 25 km N & S =
respectively, have healthy Mallard populations, making me wonder if this =
apparent paucity of Mallards is not, to a certain degree, an artifact of =
my observation pattern.=20

Note that while variety and numbers are highly variable at these sites =
due to human disturbance, both are trending downward at this time.



Ronald G. Arsenault
Memramcook, N.B.=20

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Judy Tufts=20
  To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca=20
  Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 9:44 AM
  Subject: RE: [NatureNS] Kings Co. Ponds

  Interesting to note Angus did not find any N. Pintails on Saturday.=20


  On Friday 10 Nov., there were still 10 N. Pintails, at least 7 of them =
were adult males.=20

  Also:   1- Am. Coot, 2 male - Blue-w. Teal (who shortly departed), and =
close to 100 Grn-w. Teal. =20


  The numbers of ducks including Blacks and Mallards feeding there has =
dropped quite dramatically lately.  Maybe there had been another =
'movement' overnight.


  Judy Tufts




     Judy  Tufts




  From: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca =
[mailto:naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca] On Behalf Of Angus MacLean
  Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 11:17 PM
  To: NatureNS@chebucto.ns.ca
  Subject: [NatureNS] Kings Co. Ponds


  Checked a few of the local ponds this afternoon:

  Saxon St. Pond - no ducks. Likely water level too high for dabblers.

  Canard Pond     - ~ 50 G/W Teal (numbers tailing off)
                   - 1 male Blue-winged Teal (perhaps my second one this =
year which illustrates their scarcity this summer)
                   - ~35 Mallards
                   - ~ 10 Black Ducks
                   - no Pintails (perhaps at New Minas Sewage Ponds, not =
accessible on weekends).

  Port Williams Ponds - somewhat similar  to Richard S.' experience, 3 =
nervous Mallards and another without a care in the world. At any rate no =

  Otherwise an adult Lesser B/B Gull at Steam Mill on the roof of a =
chicken barn. Only found one other off Saxon St. & the Canard Poultry =
Plant. Lots of recently plowed fields but apparently not enough gulls to =
occupy them all.

  At the Poultry Plant, a flock contained ~60 Cowbirds, a few Song =
Sparrows & only a few Starlings. Cowbirds are usually scarce in the =
Valley at this time of year.

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<DIV>Hello Angus, Judy and all,</DIV>
<DIV>I find it interesting to contrast, both numbers and species, the =
that others are reporting with what I see here in Memramcook, N.B.&nbsp; =

Yesterday, while looking at the plant life along the Memeramcook =
also&nbsp;took brief looks at the waterfowl in two different lagoons in =
to what I noted in and along the river.&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>Here&nbsp;is what I saw:</DIV>
<DIV>Along the Memramcook River:</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;~ 20 Blacks</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp; ~ 50 G.-w. Teals</DIV>
<DIV>In fields surrounding College Bridge Lagoon:</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 400 - 500 &nbsp;&nbsp;Canada Geese</DIV>
<DIV>In College Bridge Lagoon:</DIV>