[NatureNS] Violet Society Journal on Line

From: "Heather Drope" <heather.drope@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2006 13:39:45 -0400
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Fellow flora followers. Thought some of you may be 
interested in this journal and the web site for this online 
society. The home page is www.sweetviolets.com but the 
journals seem to have something for everyone. 
The following is a letter to me with the website for the 
journal. Oh  yes, membership is free!  Heather Drope
Dear Violet Society Member
This is to advise you of the latest Violet Society Journal which is now on 
line at www.sweetviolets.net/Autumn2006
This issue reflects the truly international flavour now of the society and I 
am delighted and always a bit surprised at the
very widespread interest in Violets , and I think the tally is now 40 
countries. We welcome you all and encourage you to spread the word 
about your interest in violets through the journal. In the next issue we 
hope to have reports on the International meeting in Portugal early in 
2007 and until thenvery best wishes from our very hard working and 
dedicated Editor, Jill Ann ,and myself for your holiday seasons.

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