[NatureNS] birding this afternoon - eastern Kings Co.

From: "Jean Timpa" <jtimpa@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 20:38:05 -0400
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Brenda and Bill Thexton and I went out for about 2 and a half hours this 
afternoon. It was just too lovely to stay inside.
	Port Williams Sewage Ponds:  5 Barrow's Goldeneyes, 2 males in 
summer plumage, one female with its yellow bill, one bird which was either 
a molting male (into winter plumage) or an immature male, and one 
immature female with little yellow on its bill. They are quite skitterish and 
do not stay on the pond long but take off and go to the river, so you need to 
be as quiet and alert as possible, and if travelling in a group, go up the 
slope together, or some of you are apt to miss them. 
	Canard Poultry Pond:  Lots and lots of Mallards, Blacks, and Green 
winged Teal and one male Pintail. 
	Saxon Street Pond:  one immature Eagle sitting in a tree
	Saxon Street Pond marsh on the other side of the road: 5 Mallards 
and a male Hairy Woodpecker
	Silver Lake in Centreville: 25-30 Herring Gulls in the middle of the 
lake, surrounded by 4-500 Canada Geese on the outside, with 10 very 
pretty Bufflehead Ducks swimming and diving through their midst. Some of 
the males were still in summer plumage.   Jean Timpa

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