[NatureNS] Update on mystery hawk from Oct. 16

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 14:40:50 +0000
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Hi all:

I've looked closely at suggestions in regards to the hawk that I saw passing 
over the Silver Point Road at Garden Lots on Oct. 16.  At the time I thought 
it might be a goshawk, but was bothered by the tail and certain other 
features.  The tail of the hawk was short and rounded and white the hawk 
itself had a grayish look.  My conclusion which might bring some ridical is 
that the bird was a Harlan's Red-tail (a western subspecies of the 
red-tailed hawk).  This was one of the suggestions given and the tail and 
other features seen would match what I saw.   The hawk depicted in Sibleys 
matches in regards to the tail I described.  The other possibility is that 
the hawk was one with melanistic characteristics, much like the one that had 
been in the valley for a few winters.  I tried to find some actual photos of 
a Harlan's Redtail by googling without success.

James R. Hirtle
Dublin Shore

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