[NatureNS] local barnacle species?

Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:42:10 -0300
From: Dusan Soudek <soudekd@ns.sympatico.ca>
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    any barnacle experts out there? My daughter is doing a Grade 11 
biology project on the effect of tides on a barnacle population in 
Halifax Harbour.  (On Saturday afternoon, we have spent a cold and windy 
hour in a canoe at the mouth of Dartmouth's "Sawmill River," measuring 
and counting barnacles on a wooden seawall.)
    All the individuals we saw looked morphologically identical, even 
though there were several size classes present, and we assume that they 
all belonged to the same species, Northern Rock Barnacle (Balanus 
balanoides). Is this the common intertidal zone barnacle species in Nova 
Scotia? Could someone confirm our species ID? Many thanks!
    Dusan Soudek

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