[NatureNS] Caterpillar ID

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 17:47:57 -0300
From: Eleanor Lindsay <az678@chebucto.ns.ca>
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I appreciate that caterpillars are notoriously difficult to identify, 
but just have to check if there is anybody out there who can help me 
with one that has turned up in the same area of my garden for the second 
year in a row.
It is quite different from any I have ever seen before and appeared 
around mid-August both years (17th this year): its maximum length was 
noted at around 4cms, its body is approx 0.5cm wide and is a uniform 
delicate pale green covered in long silky white hairs, which spread out 
and droop over on either side, giving it a total width of approx 2cms.
If anyone is interested in the challenge, I have photos - but not the 
means to post them here- please give me your personal E-mail so I can 
send them to you.
Yours hopefully.......
Eleanor Lindsay,
Seabright, St Margarets Bay

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