[NatureNS] Canning: possible CAROLINA WREN?, and 4 broods of CARDINALS

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:21:57 -0300
From: Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Sept. 21, 2006 - BIRD NEWS FROM CANNING: Glenys Gibson says she thinks she
MAY have a CAROLINA WREN in her Canning yard -- has been present for about 2
weeks, last seen Sept. 16 or 17, no good looks yet, line over eye has been
seen, and it has been heard calling once (possibly teakettle, teakettle?).
Glenys will keep me informed if she sees or hears this bird again.  (This is
intriguing because Jean Timpa has a singing CAROLINA WREN now in Wolfville.)

Also Glenys reports that N. CARDINALS on the Gibson properties in Canning
had FOUR FLEDGED BROODS of 1+2+1+2 youngsters; however, she is unsure
whether these all came from one set of parents or perhaps two?; and finally
there is at least one more pair of CARDINALS at the east edge of Canning
(Pam Hickman).  

Cheers from Jim in Wolfville, 542-9204

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