[NatureNS] Moorhens, Broad-winged Hawks, Stilt Sandpiper in CBRM

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Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 14:23:42 -0300
From: David McCorquodale <david_mccorquodale@capebretonu.ca>
To: "naturens@chebucto.ns.ca" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>,
Thread-Topic: Moorhens, Broad-winged Hawks, Stilt Sandpiper in CBRM
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Saturday 16 September 2006 morning at Schooner Pond, east of Donkin, CBRM
with Alex Mills


Common Moorhen, 1 in upper pond.  Likely same one reported from late June
and July from this location.

A kettle of about 35 Broad-winged Hawks, only 1 adult noted in this group.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 2 (also noted by the Murrants www.capebretonbirds.ca)

Brown Thrasher, 1

Canada Warbler, 1,  Ovenbird, 1 (another half dozen species of warblers)

Baltimore Oriole, 2

Morning of Sunday 17 September on the Northside, mainly Florence (Big and
Little Ponds).

Wood Duck, 6 in Meadowbrook lagoon, Sydney Mines, along with 70 Green-winged

Common Moorhen, 1 in small pond beside the causeway on Pond Rd., between
Sydney Mines and Florence

Pied-billed Grebe, 1, location as above

Stilt Sandpiper, 1 ad, Big Pond Florence

Dunlin, 4, Big Pond Florence

Savannah (50+) and Song Sparrows (100+),  along the shore near Big Pond

Lapland Longspur, 7 Big Pond Florence

Also Alex Mills saw 1 Lapland Longspur on the Skyline Trail, Inv. Co., CBHNP
on Sunday 17 September 2006.

Locations in Cape Breton Regional Municipality can be found on this page:

David McCorquodale

David McCorquodale
Department of Biology
Cape Breton University
Box 5300, 1250 Grand Lake Rd., Sydney, NS B1P 6L2, CANADA
902-563-1260    david_mccorquodale@capebretonu.ca  FAX: 902-563-1880

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