[NatureNS] MBBA Data Entry Session - Area 17

Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 20:13:43 -0300
From: pgould@staff.ednet.ns.ca
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Good evening,

Karel Allard (MBBA Coordinator) will be in the area to put on a data entry
session, answer any questions, and have an open discussion about the project.

This will take place in the computer lab (room 224) at Drumlin Heights school in
Argyle tomorrow evening at 7:30.

It is open to all atlassers and anyone interested in the project. If you know
someone who is interested, but hasn't signed up, bring them along.

Paul Gould
Area 17 coordinator
Lower West Pubnico

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