[NatureNS] Birds East Berlin and area

From: "James Hirtle" <jrhbirder@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 22:50:15 +0000
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Dorothy Poole, Collier Durovic (a 12 year old birder from North Carolina) 
and I took a run through West Berlin and East Berlin today.  We had two nice 
groups of migrants.  The first group contained two chestnut-sided warblers, 
a northern parula, at least six magnolia warblers, five common 
yellowthroats, and three yellow warblers, black-capped chickadees and some 
other species.  The second group was far larger with enough warblers that it 
was hard to determine exact numbers.  There were at least three common 
yellowthroats, two blue-headed vireos, a chestnut-sided warbler, two 
northern parulas, at least six magnolia warblers, two blackburnian warblers, 
four black-throated green warblers, a yellow-rumped warbler, black-capped 
chickadees, a pine siskin, three red-breasted nuthatches, cedar waxwings, 
golden-crowned kinglets and I know that I missed some of what was seen.

Also of note large numbers of Double-crested cormorants.  There were 170 off 
of Andrew's Head and I saw another 62 in the vacinity.

James R. Hirtle

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