[NatureNS] Clintonia poisonous??

From: "Jean Timpa" <jtimpa@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 11:52:19 -0300
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	Thanks, Rick, for your interest in this and your research.  I would like to call Poison 
Control and see what they have listed for Clintonia, but that would block a valuable line for a 
mere academic question. Does anyone else know how to contact them without blocking that 
line?  Perhaps going in to see them personally wherever they are "stationed" in the city. The 
Queen Elizabeth II complex?? Little children are apt to mistake them for "blueberries", 
thinking that all blueberries are Vacciniums, not yet old enough to be that discriminating. 
Poison Control would probably have more experience with such terrible problems, if there 
are any.  
	A number of the Lily Family are listed as poisonous such as Star of Bethlehem, Lily 
of the Valley, Narcissus, Daffodils, Jonquils, Camas sp., and Autumn Crocus (taken from 
the Peterson Field Guide to Venomous Animals and Poisonous Plants). Another interesting 
source of plants as potential foods is their guide to the Edible Plants. It often mentions side 
effects in plants which have "traditionally" been assumed to be edible and delicious (but not 
necessarily safe) as wild plant food sources. I must put that on my Christmas wish list!!  JET

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