[NatureNS] Airport cliff swallows - 2006.

From: "Dennis Hippern" <dhippern@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 03:51:31 -0300
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Hello All,
   The cliff swallows returned to the Halifax International airport a few 
days early this year, likely due to the easy winter. I first saw a few on 
May 4th. They usually don't arrive until the second week of May.
   They built 25 nests  at 3 adjacent sites. Even with the early start, 
fledging took place about as usual on July 28 & 29. In previous years once 
the nests were abandoned the birds left the area and were not seen again. 
This year however, the cliffs joined by a few barn swallows, which nest in 
small numbers in the cargo building, have been gathering in mass for the 
last few days. Today, August 7th, I counted 150+ swallows hanging around the 
cargo building. At least 95% were cliff swallows. The siding on the building 
provides small ledges where the birds like to roost, seemingly enjoying the 
warmth of the sun. This is not where they nested.
   I am a bit puzzeled as to where this number of birds came from. Either 
this breeding season was extremely good for the 25 pairs (about 4 offspring 
per pair) or there were more nests than I have found or birds have 
congregated from other areas.
   All the Best,
Dennis Hippern (DHH)
Cole Harbour
(P.S. Who has the airport in their square?)

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