[NatureNS] yellow-headed blackbird(s) seen on Bog Road, Windsor??

Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 15:14:20 -0300
From: Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
To: NatureNS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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In my snail-mail today I received a weird letter from a Frank Walker in
Vancouver, B.C.  The letter was addressed to "Mr. J. Wolford, Ornithologist,
918 Ridge Road, Wolfville, Nova Scotia" with no postal code.  I wonder if
the address on Ridge Road belongs to Bernard Forsythe or to Judy Tufts?

Here is the text of the letter:

"Would you be kind enough to advise me on the status of the yellow-headed
blackbird (Xanthocephalus) recorded on Bog Road, Windsor.

"Two "birds of the year" were seen feeding on scattered seed with common
grackles, purple finch, red-winged blackbird etc. on the 22, 23 and 24 July.
Light excellent, twenty-five feet plus, no call seperated (sic).

"Disappeared behind Storm Berge[??] [Bergl??].

"Do you perchance have a "hot line" number I can pass on to my sister living
in Bog Road that she could call in future>

"I am, yours sincerely, Frank Walker"

(no phone number given, nor e-mail address)

Does anybody on this list know of such sightings on those dates? or any
other information that might be useful?  Were there any such e-mail
messages/sightings for those dates that I missed? (quite possible).

Cheers from Jim in Wolfville

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