2001 ASFWB Meeting Agenda

Wed. Nov. 7.

7:00 pm Icebreaker and Registration, Coastal Inn

Thursday Nov. 8.

8:00-12:00 Registration, Tweedie Hall, Trueman Residence

9:00-9:10 Opening Remarks (ASFWB President)

9:15-5:00 Presentations, Tweedie Hall, Trueman Residence

(PRESENTATIONS ARE 20 MINUTES LONG, including 15 minute talk, 5 minutes for questions; * indicates person presenting)


1. The Tantramar Dykelands; the last 4,000 years.

Colin MacKinnon, Canadian Wildlife Service.


2. Evaluating blackburnian warbler (Dendroica fusca) habitat and resource use on multiple scales. Lasha Young, University of New Brunswick.


3. Seasonal consumption of truffles by northern flying squirrels and red squirrels at Fundy National Park, southern New Brunswick. Karl Vernes*, Shauna Blois and Felix Bärlocher. Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.

Coffee Break (10:10 - 10:30)


4. All is not well with Nova Scotia moose. Tony Nette. Nova Scotia Dept Natural Resources.


5. Aliens in the Acadian Forest. *Kate MacQuarrie and Christian Lacroix

Island Nature Trust and University of Prince Edward Island.


6. Bird communities of coastal wetlands. Al Hanson. Canadian Wildlife Service.


7. Developing a protocol for monitoring Bicknell’s Thrushes and other High Elevation Bird Species. Becky Whittam*, Bird Studies Canada, Atlantic Region

Mike Russell, Bird Studies Canada, Atlantic Region, Dan Busby, Canadian Wildlife Service, Atlantic Region

Lunch (11:50 – 1:00)


8. The status of salmonid populations in selected rivers in Prince Edward Island. Karen Gormley*, Daryl Guignion, and Kevin Teather. University of Prince Edward Island.


9. Where does rate of increase fit into sustained yield management? Rod Cumberland, DNRE, New Brunswick.


10. Effects of silvicultural intensity on reproductive activity of forest songbirds. Jean-Sébastien Guénette. Universite' de Moncton.


11. Recent winter surveys for harlequin ducks in Atlantic Canada. Andrew Boyne. Canadian Wildlife Service.

Coffee Break (2:20 – 3:00)


12. The plants of Canada’s most disturbed national park: Prince Edward Island National Park, Cavendish. *Robert Sharkie, Kate MacQuarrie, Matthew Fraser. Island Nature Trust.


13. Habitat selection by breeding grassland birds after hay harvest in a managed agro-ecosystem in Nova Scotia. Joseph Nocera*, Univ. New Brunswick, Canada; Randy Milton, Glen Parsons, N.S. Dept. Nat. Resources, Nova Scotia and Graham Forbes, UNB.


14. Monitoring owls in Atlantic Canada: a volunteer-based effort. Becky Whittam*, Bird Studies Canada, Atlantic Region, Scott Makepeace, NB Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Rosemary Curley, PE Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment.


7:00 Banquet and Silent Auction, Coastal Inn

After the Banquet

Video: Staying Safe in Bear Country (50 minutes)

Friday Nov. 9

8:30-9:30 Business Meeting, Tweedie Hall, Trueman Residence


15. The species richness and abundance of shrews in fragmented habitats of Prince Edward Island. Lisa Hartling* and Marina Silva. University of Prince Edward Island.


16. Assessing risk for forest-dependant vertebrate wildlife species. Jeff Higdon*, D.A. MacLean, J.M. Hagan and J.M. Reed


17. Conserving terrestrial vertebrates in Prince Edward Island’s developing landscape. Marina Silva*, L.A. Hartling, and M.E. Prince. University of Prince Edward Island.

Coffee Break (10:30 – 10:50)


18. An assessment of the foraging ability of the eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus, in a fragmented habitat in Prince Edward Island. K. Duncan* and Marina Silva. University of Prince Edward Island.


19. Dietary ecology of Myotis septentrionalis and M. lucifugus in eastern Canada. Hugh G. Broders*, Greg M. Quinn1, Rick R. Doucet2, Graham J. Forbes. University of New Brunswick


20. Implementation of a wildlife habitat conservation strategy on the Tantramar Dykelands. Susan Bowes. NB Dept. Natural Resources.

Lunch (12:00 – 1:00)