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![]() 2000
AGM Meeting Abstracts
Warm water : A limiting factor to brook trout populations John MacMillan Understanding what factors influence the success or failure of fish and wildlife species is very important to interested managers, biologists, and environmental organizations. Fish populations can be impacted from over-exploitation and habitat loss associated with poor land use activities and pollution. Factors that influence temperature change can have a major impact on fish habitat. Global warming, land clearing, and impoundments have reduced the amount of suitable cold water habitat for brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, in summer. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, may also be affected by warm water temperature; however, salmon may be more tolerant of slightly warmer temperatures than brook trout. Automatic temperature recorders on some Nova Scotia
river systems indicated that warm water conditions were
present for prolonged periods, and many individuals in
the trout population could have been forced to use small
cold water areas or refuges. Small cold tributaries may
act as cold water refuges and may not provide enough food
and space to support healthy salmonid populations. In
some cases, the size of the juvenile trout populations
could be directly related to the size and quality of the
cold water habitat in summertime. Twenty-two
environmental organizations were involved in a water
temperature-monitoring project on their rivers. The data
collected could be used to guide future management and
enhancement initiatives. The methodology used in this
project has enabled environmental groups to collect
useful temperature data in a relatively simple and
inexpensive manner. We hope that the interest in this
project will continue to grow and the number of groups
and volunteers involved will increase. Working Together to Conserve and Protect a Unique Ecosystem; Basin Head, Prince Edward Island PAUL BOYD1 and BRUCE SMITH2
Basin Head, located on the eastern tip of Prince Edward Island, is a small estuarine embayment surrounded by agricultural land to the north and by an extensive sand dune system to the south. The area's ecosystem is most notable because it harbors a unique strain of floating Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus). Many levels of government and non-government organizations have been active in conserving the natural integrity of this area. The provincial government with the support of the Eastern Kings County Community Council has designated sections of the shore as "Scenic and Conservation Zones" thus limiting development in those sections to preserve their natural beauty. The provincial government noted the significance of the area and subsequently used the Natural Areas Protection Act to preserve the dune ecosystem. Fisheries and Oceans Canada recognized the potential of Basin Head as an "Area of Interest" in the Departments Marine Protected Area (MPA) Program under the Oceans Act. In June of 1999 Basin Head became the first coastal "Area of Interest" in the Maritimes under the MPA Program. Efforts to designate Basin Head have required input and studies from several branches of Fisheries and Oceans and other federal departments, PEI provincial departments, and the Basin Head Lagoon Ecosystem Conservation Committee. In order to advance the process of providing legislated conservation for the lagoon ecosystem, the Basin Head Lagoon Ecosystem Conservation Committee was established. The Committee consists of members from the community and represents a wide cross section of interests including agricultural, tourism, fishing, municipal government, Fisheries and Oceans and the provincial Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment. The Basin Head Committee developed the proposal to nominate the site as an Area of Interest (AOI) and are compiling social and economic data and developing a management plan for the area. The effort at developing this partnership illustrates how a multi-stakeholder process will lead to the conservation of important and sensitive marine habitats in Canada. Do mussel socks act as artificial reefs in PEI estuaries? Karla Ellis, Jeff Davidson, and Donna
Giberson Mussel socks in three estuaries in PEI were studied between 1998 and 2000 to determine whether the socks were attracting marine organisms that would not otherwise be found in those habitats. Thirty-twospecies of marine invertebrate (besides mussels) were found on the socks, of which 14 were species that were not normally common to the soft sediment habitat below the socks. Photos of the dominant taxa will be used to illustrate the diversity of the mussel sock community in the estuaries. PRICE OF THE FAST LANE: GROWTH-MORTALITY TRADE-OFFS AND THE DECLINE OF ATLANTIC SALMON. Cairns, D.K. Atlantic salmon returns in eastern North America have decreased by one-half to two-thirds in the past 20 years. This underlines the need for a new understanding of the ecology of salmon at sea, where the increased mortality responsible for the decline appears to have occurred. Marine-phase Atlantic salmon grow remarkably rapidly, with weight increasing about 75-fold between river exit and return as 1SW adults. These growth rates are much faster than those of other marine fish occupying the northwest Atlantic. Fish growth depends chiefly on temperature and food availability. It is proposed that salmon achieve rapid growth by behavioural thermoregulation, occupying warm surface waters to increase body temperature in a manner akin to basking reptiles, and visiting lower levels as needed to obtain food. There is no cover in the surface layer, and salmon do not form dense schools that reduce predation risk as do other pelagic fishes (capelin, mackerel). Consequently salmon are subject to high predation mortality. Thus Atlantic salmon can be viewed as a risk-prone species which trades high annual mortality for rapid growth. Weights of returning Atlantic salmon have not decreased during the period of declining returns. This implies that salmon have a pre-determined target weight at river return, and choose to accept increased mortality risk in order to attain target weights. The decline of Atlantic salmon has co-occurred with increased numbers of endothermic predators (seals and seabirds), decreased numbers of ectothermic predators (groundfish), and episodes of cold water in the Labrador Sea. It is proposed that the decline in salmon returns is due to increased predation in the context of rising endothermic predator numbers and cold water. Predation risk is exacerbated during cold periods by the increased need for basking in the high-risk surface layer in order to maintain growth schedules, and by the advantage that cooler water gives an endothermic predator when pursuing ectothermic prey. Age structure of the American eel and implications for minimum size restrictions. Darren MacPherson1 and David
Cairns2 The American eel is a broadly distributed fish species which occupies a wide variety of microhabitats. It is an economically important commodity because it is fished commercially in many regions, including North American waters. Reported landings from the Prince Edward Island eel fishery in the 1990s are substantially lower than reported landings for the 1970s. This may be due to a decline in eel numbers for which it is suggested that growth overfishing is partially responsible. Current minimum size restrictions (50.8 cm) enforced in the Prince Edward Island eel fishery have been established without a scientific basis. Eels were fished at two sites in the Boughton River system. Length-frequency data were obtained. Otoliths were removed from selected specimens of each one-centimeter length class. Grinding, polishing, staining, and counting of annuli on otoliths allowed for determination of the ages of the eels from which these otoliths had been extracted. The Von Bertalanffy equation is commonly used in mathematical modeling when dealing with relationships between age and growth in fish. A curve representing the relationship between age and length was established using this equation. The association between age and weight was also evaluated using a Von Bertalanffy curve. A yield per recruit analysis was conducted using the Von Bertalanffy data. Results indicate that the method of harvesting maximum eel biomass depends upon regional instantaneous rates of natural disappearance. Under low natural mortality rates optimal biomass would be available for harvest if eels age six years (54.4 cm) and older were harvested. A fishery harvesting an eel population with medium or high instantaneous rates of natural disappearance would maximize potential yield if the minimum eel age were set at four years (42.8 cm). Growth overfishing may be occurring in regions with low rates of instantaneous natural disappearance. Population Characteristics of Nova Scotia Smallmouth bass from four years of tournament monitoring JOHN L. MACMILLAN and ALAN J.
MCNEILL* The number of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) tournaments has increased dramatically over the last 20 years in Nova Scotia. These events offer fisheries managers the opportunity to collect important biological, population, and economic data with minimal cost with minimal cost, provided the inherent biases are considered. A four-year smallmouth bass tournament monitoring program examined data from 84 tournament days on 19 lakes, including measurements from 10,768 smallmouth bass. Average total length of smallmouth bass > 253 mm was 296 mm, (265 -346) and average relative weight was 78 (67 -105), and average age at which smallmouth bass reached 254mm was 4.1 years (3.0 -6.0). Tournament-imposed bag and length limits resulted in an underestimation of average catch per unit effort (0.20 fish angler-hour -1, 0.03 -0.36) by a factor of seven for all fish, and a factor of three for smallmouth bass > 253mm. Catch per hour for weighed-in fish was correlated with total catch per hour (r2 =0.527, p =0.002). Changes in length frequency, relative weight, and catch per hour did not exhibit trends reflecting overfishing during the study period; however, year class strength changed in several lakes. Concerns still exist within and outside the tournament community that mortality from tournaments and excessive exploitation may threaten some populations. Increased involvement of tournament organizers in data collection and smallmouth bass management has reduced user conflicts and increased support of regulatory decisions. Recent Introduction Of The Brown Bullhead (Ictalurus Nebulosus) To PEI Shawn Hill The presence of brown bullhead, (Ictalurus nebulosus) a member of the catfish family, has been confirmed on Prince Edward Island. The first reported case originated from a trout angler from the Tyne Valley Stream, located in the Western part of PEI. The PEI Fish & Wildlife Division immediately implemented a program to determine the quantity of species and the extent of distribution. This non-native species to PEI was captured on four different occasions using a variety of collection methods including electroseining, seine nets, and angling. To date, a total of fifty (50) brown bullheads have been collected. How this fish arrived here, and the biological imlpications of a successfully reproducing bullhead population on PEI remain to be determined. New and rare flora on Prince Edward Island: management implications for ruderal habitats Kate MacQuarrie Recent investigations into the flora of Prince Edward Island have uncovered a number of new provincial records, and new locations for provincially rare species. While some new records and rarities (eg. Polystichum braunii, Laportea canadensis) have been found in relatively undisturbed areas, a number have been identified in ruderal habitats including roadside ditches (eg. Apios americana), forestry roads (eg. Eupatorium perfoliatum) and retired farmland (eg. Orobanche uniflora). Recent cases on Prince Edward Island suggest that land managers may direct insufficient attention to such habitats during biological inventories or environmental impact assessments, being guided by the assumption that ruderal habitats are unlikely to harbour sensitive species. Given the anthropogenic nature of the Island landscape, such assumptions have the potential to place some of our least common species at risk. This presentation discusses and illustrates a selection of the most signficant recent finds, with notes on identification and conservation. The abundance and diversity of amphibians in terrestrial habitats on Prince EdwardIsland. L.A. Hartling, M. Silva, and K.L.
Teather Various studies have shown that habitat fragmentation causes dramatic reductions of abundance and species diversity in amphibians. Few studies of the effects of habitat fragmentation have been made in eastern Canada, and none have been conducted in Prince Edward Island. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of habitat fragmentation on the abundance and diversity of amphibians. The amphibian fauna of eleven forest fragments varying in size from 0.03 and 1.29 km2 were examined using pitfall arrays, cover boards, and objects searches. Three hundred and thirty-nine amphibians of nine species were recorded in the forest fragments. The more frequently captured species were Ambystoma laterale (34.5%) and Bufo americanus (27.4%). Species richness and composition varied between fragments. Species richness, while not significantly correlated with fragment size or perimeter, was significantly correlated with the area of the wetland (n = 10; r2 = 0.45; p = 0.03). Conversely, species abundance was not correlated with wetland area, but was significantly correlated with the perimeter of the fragment (n = 8; r2 = 0.74; p = 0.006). Although responses differ between species, these results may suggest that comparative to other taxa, amphibians respond less sensitively to the effects of habitat fragmentation. However, the data also indicate that the characteristics of both aquatic and terrestrial habitats affect the viability of amphibian populations. From ecosystem management in name to management on an ecological basis: How are we doing and what more do we have to do to get there. Dr. Stephen
Flemming Today, it is widely accepted that ecosystem management is a fundamental tool for achieving "sustainable development." But, it will be postulated that while ecosystem management is the responsibility of many agencies, it is nevertheless difficult to find an agency that is being held accountable for the task. A definition of ecosystem management with its objectives will be presented. Based on this, a review of best practices will be made. But, have we moved beyond good examples? I contend that ecosystem management objectives are not yet being achieved at an appropriate scale in Canada. I conclude with a listing of proposed steps critical for achieving wild life management on an ecological scale. Volunteer Surveys of Salt Marsh Bird Communities Al Hanson The objectives of this project are to determine the abundance and diversity of birds using salt marshes and coastal wetlands in Atlantic Canada. The loss of coastal wetlands in Atlantic Canada is one of the most severe and publicised cases of wetland loss in Canada. In the upper Bay of Fundy, loss of salt marsh has been mostly the result of historical conversion to agriculture. Along the Northumberland Strait, the loss of salt marsh has been incremental and ongoing for residential/cottage developments. Recently there has been much public support in Atlantic Canada for the conservation and restoration of coastal wetlands including salt marshes. However, there is little information on the how these activities should be directed in order to conserve and restore salt marsh obligate wildlife populations. Whereas the loss of coastal wetlands have been severe, there may have also been concomitant declines in populations of birds that are dependent on coastal wetlands. Bird surveys conducted as part of this project would provide valuable information reuired for population estimates and Status Reports for species such as Willet (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus)and Nelson's sharp-tailed sparrow (Ammodramus nelsoni) whose populations may only be 2,500 and 750 pairs respectively in the Maritimes (Erskine 1992, Breeding Bird Atlas). Surveys are done using standard methods developed by the Audobon Society for synoptic surveys of salt marshes in the US Gulf of Maine. Using the same methodology will allow for valid comparisons between the Maritimes and New England. Volunteers are given information packets as well as personalised training as required. Volunteers are still required to conduct surveys in many parts of Atlantic Canada. If you and/or friends would be willing to donate a few hours of your time during the summer to conduct these surveys please contact me. WINTER WATERFOWL SURVEYS ON PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND R. L. Dibblee, Fish and
Wildlife Division, Aerial surveys of wintering waterfowl have been conducted on Prince Edward Island since 1950. Standardized survey blocks were established by the Canadian Wildlife Service in all coastal areas in the Maritime Provinces, including 36 in P.E.I. Coastal flights were conducted annually through the 1950's, 1970's and sporadically through the 1980's. Results of the surveys from 1950 to 2000 are presented and discussed. In 1988, 27 major wintering sites were surveyed on the ground at 10-day intervals from late December through March. The survey, part of a Wildlife Habitat Canada program, continued for four years. Advantages of ground counts vs. aerial surveys include more accurate determination of species, sex and age and more precise counts. Ground surveys have since been conducted annually but were changed to weekly surveys and now extend from early January to mid March. The predominant species wintering on Prince Edward Island are American Black Duck, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Barrow's Goldeneye, Oldsquaw and Mallard. Minor species include Canada Goose, Red-breasted Merganser, Greater Scaup, American Wigeon, American Green-winged Teal, Northern Pintail, Bufflehead and occasional Harlequin Ducks. Trends in wintering populations, impacts of weather and relationships with other waterfowl population indices are discussed. Approximately 10,000 Black Ducks, 300 Mallards, 4,300 Common Goldeneyes, 3,000 Common Mergansers and lesser numbers of other species were maximum estimates recorded during the winter ground surveys in 2000. Black Duck numbers have increased substantially and reflect increasing trends in breeding pair surveys and November aerial surveys. The efficacy of using either ground or aerial surveys for obtaining waterfowl wintering population indices is presented. Observers on the ground obtain more accurate counts and species identification than those in aircraft. Waterfowl concentrated in small open-water sites (e.g. Goldeneyes) and those huddled on the ice in cold conditions (e.g. Black Ducks) are invariably underestimated by observers in the air. Observers on the ground are able to precisely identify and count all waterfowl present. Continuation of ground surveys is recommended. A landscape and regional evaluation of the distribution of breeding American Black Ducks in the Maritimes. *Al Hanson1,2,
M.C. Bateman1,
C. D. Ankney2
and R.G. Bailey2
To address concerns over declining American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) populations, annual spring surveys were initiated in 1990 throughout New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. There was considerable variation in the number of Black Duck pairs observed among the survey plots (e.g. 0 -37 per 100 km2 in 1990). Although much is known about habitat selection by breeding Black Ducks at a local level, the reasons for observed variation in Black Ducks among survey plots was unknown. Predictive models of Black Duck breeding pairs were developed using data from: 1052 water samples; Canadian Soil Information Survey; NTS topographic maps; Provincial Soil Surveys; Ecological Land Classifications; and the Maritime Wetlands Inventory. The best model to predict the number of Black Duck pairs, based on Aikake's Information Criterion (AICc), was an eight variable model with R2 = 0.87 and AICc = -594.36. A model based on the maximum Golet Score of wetlands within survey plot was the simplest model to predict numbers of Black Ducks with R2 = 0.78 and AICc = -503.07. A logistic model showed that increasing populations of Black Ducks during 1990-1999 were positively correlated with total number of wetlands, stream density, and negatively correlated with road density and variation in elevation within the survey plot. Spurious correlations, predictive population models, and ecological relationships will be discussed. Al Hanson Water Quality and Waterfowl Usage in a Constructed Wetland Receiving Farm Effluents Mark Gloutney and Tom Duffy In August, 1995 a wetland was constructed in partnership with the PEI Department of Agriculture and Forestry, the PEI Department of Technology and Environment, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Atlantic Land Improvement Contractors Association, Ducks Unlimited Canada and PEI Soil & Crop Improvement Association on Guy and Bloyce Thompson's dairy farm in Frenchfort, PEI to treat milkhouse wash water and runoff from a manure storage. The wetland was flooded over the winter and spring of 1996. This 1 acre wetland consists of three cells, primary, secondary and tertiary. The secondary and tertiary cells were transplanted with cattail (Typha latifolia), bulrush (Scirpus acutus), duckweed (Lemna minor) and seeded with wild rice (Zizania palustris) in the spring of 1996. Water samples, flow rates and data on waterfowl usage were collected from 1996 to 2000. Analysis of water quality indicates that the wetland was successful in treating effluent by reducing nutrients, faecal coliform, BOD's and suspended solids. The wetland also provided important waterfowl habitat supporting above average numbers of breeding pairs and broods of waterfowl. A program to monitor beaver survival and movement on PEI following capture, translocation and release. Kevin Arsenault With the encouragement of the PEI Trappers Association, the Departments of Transportation and Public (Highways Division) and Fisheries Aquaculture and Environment (Fish and Wildlife Division) have attempted to live trap and relocate beaver which are causing flooding at road crossings rather than killing them. With support from the Atlantic Veterinary College microtags were implanted to identify the beaver and a small brand about the size of a dime to turn the fur white was applied. Using these identifying marks it is hoped that the movements of the beaver subsequent to release can be determined from trapping locations and examination of the carcasses provided by trappers when the beaver are caught. Information on movements of the beaver may be critical to beaver management when watershed management plans are being prepared. Moose Vehicle Accidents in Northeast New Brunswick: Striving for Solutions Gerry Redmond Vehicle collisions involving moose have been increasing steadily during the past decade in New Brunswick. This is attributed to a growing moose herd in conjunction with improved highways and concommitant increased traffic and vehicle speeds in many regions of the Province. Northeast New Brunswick has an abundance of peat bog complexes and associated deciduous and coniferous forests that is considered high-quality moose habitat. A significant highway corridor bisects prime moose habitat between Miramichi City and Campbellton along Routes 8 and 11. This corridor has recorded a significant number of moose-vehicle collisions during the past decade, resulting in many severe human injuries and several deaths. New Brunswick Department's of Transportation [DOT] and Natural Resources & Energy [DNRE] staff met with a concerned group of citizens from the Belledune area in January 2000 and formed a working group to explore possible solutions to the moose-vehicle problems along this corridor. I will report on the deliberations of this committee and the solutions [mitigation] that were proposed. I will describe how, through a process of cooperation, commitment, partnership and hard work, a group of concerned citizens have managed to implement several possible solutions to chronic moose-vehicle accidents within their local communities. Strategies presented may assist other jurisdictions or citizens when addressing natural resource issues in their own communities. A Study of Moose on Mainland Nova Scotia- A Progress Report Dennis Brannen1,
Tony Nette2 This research looks at population distribution and factors limiting moose (Alces alces) of mainland Nova Scotia. It builds on a pilot study initiated in 1998, by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), in the Tobeatic Wilderness Area of Southwestern Nova Scotia where eleven moose were equipped with radio collars. Radio telemetry is being used to assess seasonal habitat use, distribution and mortality causes of moose within the Tobeatic. Telemetry location data from these study animals and provincial 'pellet group inventory' (PGI) data is being used in a GIS environment to delineate habitat use and availability by vegetation communities, canopy closure, roads and aquatic environments. Provincial PGI data, will be used to look at spatial and temporal distribution, presence and absence relative to deer and features of habitat most used by moose. Distribution and prevalence of the parasitic brain worm (P. tenuis) is being investigated. Infection rates in moose are being quantified through a combination of necropsy (when possible) and fecal analysis. The cause of illness/death of sick or found dead moose, throughout the province, is being investigated by full necropsy whenever possible. The Antlerless Deer Harvest Program in Nova Scotia Tony Nette Nova Scotia was subdivided into seven Deer Management Zones in 1997. Continued growth of the herd throughout most of the province allowed for issuing of zone specific Antlerless Deer Hunting Permits in 5 of the 7 zones the following year. Administering this new program with existing staff was not possible. Consequently, the program was contracted to a call center after the company had answered a 'request for proposals' with the best fit business solution. The program is being run for the third successive year this fall and to date is considered a complete success. Details of the program form the perspective of administration, deer management and the hunting community, will be discussed. The effects of habitat fragmentation on small mammals in PEI National Park . Mary Ellen Prince and Marina
Silva Anthropogenic activities in Prince Edward Island have created a mosaic of fragmented uneven-aged forests, agricultural and pasture lands, as well as large amounts of edge habitat. Although the mammalian fauna of the province is largely composed by small mammals, no prior study has investigated how they respond to habitat fragmentation. Previous studies in Prince Edward Island National Park suggest that the ability of small mammal species to use linear habitats surrounding forest fragments may increase their chance of survival within fragmented landscapes. These results indicated no difference in diversity between linear fragments and other-shaped fragments. In addition, small mammals were more abundant near hedgerows and some individuals use hedgerows as extended habitat. Further research in Prince Edward Island National Park will determine what habitat variables are required in hedgerows to make them desirable to small mammals. Sites outside the national park will also be used to ascertain if small mammals throughout Prince Edward Island respond similarly to hedgerows. Influence of tree species, age, and cone abundance on red squirrel foraging activities in managed and protected forests Kirby Tulk and Graham Forbes The red squirrel (Tamiascurus hudsonicus) a selective granivore, is a relatively new species to the island of Newfoundland. Since its introduction many questions have been arisen concerning the effects this new species is having on forest ecosystems and the animals that reside in these ecosystems. In Terra Nova National Park (TNNP) managers have instigated research to assess the ecological integrity of balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and black spruce (Picea mariana) forest. One aspect of this issue is the influence red squirrels have on tree seed output of trees of different tree species and different tree ages. Selective cone predation (i.e. spruce over fir) conceivably could change forest composition by several mechanisms: 1) excessive seed mortality may result in inadequate seedbed and regeneration; 2) the red squirrel impacts trees differently (may harvest all cones in immature and overmature trees, but not in mature tress). These mechanisms may influence seedbed development and natural regeneration. Areas containing trees with higher cone yield may support more squirrels, but the potential for impact (seedbed development and regeneration) is minimal if squirrels are unable to harvest all cones in years of a large cone crop. Our research focuses on cone depredation by red squirrels on trees in balsam fir and black spruce stands of various ages in both TNNP (protected) and Gambo Forestry District (managed). Stands will be chosen by species (black spruce and balsam fir) and development stage (age class) to investigate foraging behavioural patterns on selected trees. We will determine if red squirrels in eastern Newfoundland act as a dispersal agent for black spruce and balsam fir seed by testing seed viability from seed recovered at feeding sites. We will also investigate if any seedling establishment results from previously cached cones of balsam fir and black spruce. We will indirectly determine late spring early summer foraging intensity on tips, flowers, and immature cones as it relates to tree species and age and late summer-early fall foraging intensity as it relates to tree species and age, and cone abundance (tree level). Different tree species and tree ages may be more vulnerable (immature and overmature) to cone depredation than others (mature), which will be determined from direct cone counts before and after red squirrel harvesting. This presentation outlines the project and provides initial results and problems learned from the first of 2 field seasons. Pitcher Plants, more than just an insect predator. Dylan Blaquiere and Donna
Giberson Most people are familiar with the image of the pitcher plant as an insect predator, but may not be aware that a number of insects spend their larval stages feeding and growing inside the fluid of the pitcher plant. The pitcher acts as a tiny pond which is home to several species of fly (Insecta: Diptera). Three flies, the pitcher plant mosquito (Wyeomyia smithii), the pitcher plant midge (Metriocnemus knabi), and the pitcher plant flesh fly (Blaesoxipha fletcheri) occur in pitcher plants all over PEI. During the summer of 2000 these flies were investigated in Glenfinnan Bog with respect to their life cycles, and their relationships with the habitat conditions inside the pitcher. This is the first study of the limnology of this unique habitat. Status of animals in Atlantic Canada: comparative ranks in five jurisdictions. Kate Bredin During 1999 and early 2000, AC CDC and government biologists met with species experts throughout the region to assess the status of taxonomic groups of species within each jurisdiction. These status assessment committees completed a ranking matrix of seven ecological factors for each species in the taxonomic group; factors including population size, provincial distribution, trends in abundance and distribution, number of existing and protected species occurrences and degree of threats. The ecological factors were scored from A-D for each species, or were given a range score or unknown score if there was insufficient knowledge to estimate the value. Rarity ranks were assigned to species based on the combination of matrix values over all ecological attributes. This ranking process is a broad brush, best-estimate approach designed to rank species as accurately as possible using existing information; rarity ranks are revised as more information becomes available. When ranks for taxonomic groups of species are viewed across all Atlantic Canada jurisdictions a complete regional picture of species diversity, presence and rarity emerges. Where Have All the Salmon Gone! Michael Dadswell and Mike
Stokesbury The abundance of adult salmon in spawning runs from rivers in the North Atlantic has been closely watched since man has exploited them. In the past there have always been cycles of abundance and scarcity most of which could be explained by natural or human causes which were either fairly obvious or tenable to scientific enquiry. Causes of cyclic abundance have included weather (wet and dry periods), sawdust pollution (in the late 1800's), enhancement by man (since the late 1800's), dams, DDT spraying (1950's), over-exploitation off Greenland (1970's), acid rain (1980's), and so on. During the last 15 years, however, the characteristic, cyclic abundance of Atlantic salmon populations has disappeared from many rivers in eastern North America and a general decline of populations has occurred in a south to north sequence. The downturn in wild salmon abundance was first evident in New England and inner Bay of Fundy rivers and is apparent in hatchery returns from the region (Connecticut, Penobscot, Saint John). The declines have since spread to more rivers in eastern Canada and is observable in European salmon runs. These declines have occurred at a time when much of the freshwater habitat for juvenile production has improved, most directed commercial fisheries were eliminated and sport fishing has been either restricted or stopped. Since many effected rivers (such as those in National Parks) or hatchery stocks have no local natural or human reason for a lack of returning adults and since until recently the rivers had abundant parr populations the continuing absence of returning adults must be attributed to causes during the marine pause of the life cycle. Since it is also difficult to demonstrate that increased populations or seals or fish-eating whales could impact the growing adults while pelagic in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Strait or that this remote region of the North Atlantic is polluted, the simplest explanation is that the adults are being illegally exploited while at sea. Using models of ocean migration from other anadromous species, what we know about the marine migration of Atlantic salmon, and what is known about the behavior of off-shore foreign fleets, we will argue this concept. A comparison of the foraging and roosting ecology of Northern long-eared and Little Brown bats. Hugh G. Broders Ensuring the viability of any species that is dependent upon forests that are intensively managed for timber production requires comprehensive knowledge of their ecology. Nowhere in North America does sufficient ecological knowledge for northern long-eared bats (Myotis septentrionalis) and forest-dwelling little brown bats (M. lucifugus) exist, virtually nothing was previously known in eastern Canada. Using radio telemetry I have tracked 32 bats (22 northern long-eared bats and 10 little brown bats) for 177 bat-days and located 108 roost trees in and around Fundy National Park, New Brunswick. For northern long-eared bats it seems that the roosting and foraging ecology of males differ from those of females. Very few female little brown bats were captured in the area indicating they there is sexual segregation in the population and therefore data for this segment of the population is scant. The roosting ecology of male little brown bats seem very similar to that of northern long-eared males but they forage in different habitats from that species. I will provide an overview of the results of the preliminary analyses of these data as well as an update on other aspects of the project. The Status Of Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) in Prince Edward Island Outside PEI National Park Jackie Waddell The Island Nature Trust has monitored the breeding success of the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) outside the boundaries of the Prince Edward Island National Park since 1998. An International or interim census has been conducted most years for the entire province since 1991. The Island population declined drastically between 1991 and 1996 and has risen slowly since 1996 through 2000. Nesting success (or failure)outside the Park was not monitored until 1998. Plover use of available habitat in PEI is low, with nesting birds on 9 to 14 beaches of 30 or more with suitable habitat. Plovers have nested primarily on wide, cobbled sandy beaches and rarely in dune grass or narrow beaches. In addition, plovers outside the Park have continued an eastern shift, with more nesting beaches in the eastern portion of the Island than in previous years. In 2000 plovers nested on three beaches in Kings County that had never supported plovers previously. Plovers nested on 2 beaches in Prince County, 2 in Queens County and 10 in Kings Co. in 2000. The use of predator exclosures in the National Parks in the Atlantic region has improved the success of the plovers in hatching eggs. Exclosures were used at one beach outside the Park in PEI for the first time in 2000 with limited success. The fledging rate outside PEI National Park was low in 2000 at 1.05 chicks per pair. The rate in 1998 was 2.08 and in 1999 was 1.79. Weather and predation were the primary factors in egg/nest loss and low fledging rates in 2000. A high number of nest attempts, low fledging rates and late fledging dates for most broods have all placed stresses on the population. It is expected that the number of returning birds in 2001 will be lower. AN UPDATE ON PIPING PLOVER BANDING RESEARCH DIANE AMIRAULT and ANDREW BOYNE A total of 200 Piping Plovers were marked in 2000, including 57 adults and 143 juveniles. Most promising of the results was the recapture of several adult plovers which were banded as juveniles 1998-1999. This indicates that there is at least limited recruitment of juvenile birds into the adult breeding population, even the first year after hatching. A total of 12 previously banded plovers were recaptured in 2000. One female, banded and recaptured in 2000, fledged one chick from one nest and then renested on an adjacent beach with another male, where she is believed to have fledged another chick. A number of banded birds were observed but could not be recaptured. Of the individuals which were not recaptured a number were late arriving non-breeders that had colour and metal band placements indicating that they were juvenile birds. In past years, small flocks of Piping Plovers whose status was uncertain have arrived late in the breeding season on the nesting grounds. Speculation on the significance of these groups had lead to theories that these may be young birds who may be arriving late to prospect for future years. Sightings of banded birds in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island appear to support this theory. FOOD HABITS OF BALD EAGLES IN NEW BRUNSWICK Rudy Stocek Food habits of wintering and breeding Bald Eagles in New Brunswick were determined from 949 winter feeding observations (1992-1999) and food collections from 50 nest sites (1980's and 1990's). Winter diet consisted of white tailed deer (42% of the total occurrences), offal (30%), birds (16%), other mammals (8%), fish (3%) and invertebrates (<1%). Thirty-five percent of the prey items were of aquatic origin. There were considerable winter dietary differences between inland and coastal feeding eagles. Avian prey (scabirds and waterfowl) were of greater importance to the coastal birds. Salmon offal consumption at aquaculture sites along the coast was significant. Over 70% of the items taken by wintering immature eagles were scavenged deer and offal. Breeding eagles selected fish and birds most frequently (39% each) followed by mammals (45%) and invertebrates (7%); no deer or offal were recorded. Eighty-eight percent of the prey items were of aquatic origin. Coastal breeding birds also seemed to prefer birds. Fish were important to breeding birds but the frequency is likely underestimated here when compared to direct observation of food items brought to nest. The diets of wintering and breeding eagles are not entirely comparable when utilizing direct observations of food and nest site food collections. An accurate assessment of Bald Eagle diet requires a combination of different methods, observational and non-observational. BALD EAGLE NEST SITE FEATURES IN NEW BRUNSWICK Rudy Stocek New Brunswick has a small Bald Eagle nesting population that has gradually increased in numbers over the past 3 decades; 60 to 70 nests are occupied annually. One hundred and ninety different nest sites in the province were found between 1974 and 1998 at marine, coastal, estuarine, lacustrine and riverine locations. Eagles were nesting in marine (37%) and freshwater (63%) habitats; island nesting amounted to 44% compared to mainland sites. One hundred eighty-three habitat-classified nest sites suggested the bulk of nesting takes place in forest stands (78%), including softwood, mixed and hardwood (34%, 43% and 23% of 127 sites respectively). Less than 5% of the eagles used solitary trees, scattered trees, or small isolated stands for nesting. Few nested in wetlands (3%). Other locations with <10% frequency each included peninsulas, flood plains, fields and other openings, and wooded (riparian) borders. Twenty-five percent of the eagles nested on hillsides. Nineteen species of trees were used for nesting, 5 softwoods and 14 hardwoods with a frequency of 72% and 28% respectively. Live trees made up 85% of 185 nest trees. Bald Eagles seem to prefer nesting in white pine (63%). Seventy-nine nest sites were visited where particulars on nesting habitat were recorded. Tree diameters varied between 20-123 cm (x=66 cm) and heights (in mainly dominant trees) between 6-35 m (x=22m). Both diameters and heights seemed greater for the white pine. The average nest tree was well above the mean forest canopy height of 15 m (range 6-25m). Seventy-four percent of the tree distances to water were less than 100 m. Fifteen percent of the 78 nests were located more than 300 m from water, often on hillside locations. However, median distance here was still only 25 m, ranging from 0 to 4000 m. Eagle nests were built at an average height of 17.1 m in the trees (range 4-32 m). Eighty-one percent of the nests in white pine were higher than 3/4 the height of the tree, greater than the 64% for the other species. None were below 50% of the tree height. Nest height was usually at or above the mean forest canopy height for white pine (79%), but less so for other species (50%). In total 52% of the nests were above the mean canopy height. Most nests (54% to 78) were located on a branch next to the main bole of the tree, but 32% were situated in the center of a tree (such as the white pine) with a broken or dead top. Generally 3 nest shapes were recorded, bowl-like (12%), inverted cone (33%), or flat disk like (51%). Ranges in nest size varied in depth and diameter from 1.0 x 1.0 m to 2.0 x 2.0 m, averaging 1.13 x 1.52 m for 16 nests. STATUS OF TERNS IN ATLANTIC CANADA ANDREW BOYNE Four species of marine terns nest in the Atlantic provinces; Arctic, Common, Roseate, and Caspian Terns. Of these species, the Roseate Tern is listed as Endangered and the Caspian was previously listed as Vulnerable but has been reclassified as Not at Risk as a result of increases observed on the Great Lakes. Recently, there has been much concern for Common and Arctic Terns as well, as decreases have been observed at traditional nesting sites and some colonies have been abandoned altogether. This talk will summarize the results of tern surveys conducted over the past two years in Atlantic Canada. Surveys in Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick show that there has been a serious decline in the population, while surveys in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland suggest that the situation on the Atlantic coast may not be as dire. Although numbers of terns in Nova Scotia do not appear to be down, the number of colonies is, suggesting that smaller colonies are being lost which is often the first sign that a tern population may be in trouble. Increased human access to coastal habitats and artificially augmented gull populations are potential causes of the declines. PROXIMATE CAUSATION OF LUNAR CYCLES IN THE AMERICAN EEL. David
K. Cairns1
and Peter J.D Hooley2 Catch per unit effort (CPUE) of sublegal (yellow) and legal (mix of yellow and silver) American eels Anguilla rostrata in commercial fisheries in tidal bays and estuaries of Prince Edward Island, Canada, were markedly lower during full moon than at other times of the lunar cycle. This pattern might be triggered by increased light intensity during full moon, higher tidal amplitude during full moon, or an endogenous lunar rhythm. Superior gear avoidance during moonlit nights might also explain the pattern. Nighttime illuminance (based on moon fullness and cloud cover) was negatively correlated with CPUE, but provided no additional explanatory power over that produced by moon fullness. CPUE was negatively correlated with moon fullness on dark nights, but CPUE was uncorrelated with illuminance when the moon was >90% full. Links between CPUE and tidal amplitude were inconsistent, and no correlation was found in a area with high tidal amplitude. Environmental variables appear to have little or no direct role in inducing lunar cycles in eels in the study area, which suggests that endogenous rhythms are the proximate cause of these cycles. Contaminants in nestling tree swallows from Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) Sites in Atlantic Canada. Burgess, N.M.,
Canadian Wildlife Service, Mt. Pearl, NF Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) have been used as biomonitors of sediment contamination across North America. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (dioxins), dibenzofurans (furans) and metals in tree swallow nestlings collected at five ACAP sites and two reference sites. Nest boxes were erected at each site and two nestlings were collected from each box when they were 16 days old. A single composite sample of whole-body swallow homogenate was analysed for organic contaminants from each site. A single composite sample of liver homogenate was analysed for trace metals from each site. PCB concentrations were elevated at St. Croix, Sydney and Miramichi (307, 269 & 142 ng/g wet wt., respectively) compared to the reference sites (39 & 43 ng/g). DDE levels were elevated at both Miramichi sites (84 & 89 ng/g) compared to all other sites (12 - 39 ng/g). Total dioxin concentrations were highest at Miramichi (Strawberry Marsh) and St. Croix (9160 & 1819 pg/g, respectively), as were total furan levels (555 & 142 pg/g). Dioxin-like toxicity, calculated as toxic equivalents (TEQs), was highest in swallows from Miramichi (Strawberry Marsh, 573 pg/g), primarily due to elevated concentrations of 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD. Selenium concentrations in swallow livers were elevated at Letang and Sydney (6.1 & 5.4 ug/g dry wt.) compared to all other sites (2.0 - 2.9 ug/g). Tree swallows from all sites in this study were less contaminated than swallows collected at polluted sites in the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence and Hudson Rivers. Relationship between land use variables (forest cover and substrate type) and benthic invertebrate composition in two small streams in Prince Edward Island. Michelle Dobrin and Donna Giberson We evaluated invertebrate community structure in two small streams with different land use history in PEI: 1. Balsam Hollow Brook, which originates in an agricultural field and flows through a golf course and a national park heavy tourist use area, and 2. Winter Creek, which flows through a mainly forested area. The streams have similar width, depth, water temperature and pH, but differ in water conductivity, forest cover, and amount of fine sediment. Four riffle sites in each stream were sampled for benthic and adult insects. Balsam Hollow Brook sites consistently showed invertebrate communities that reflected lower habitat and water quality than Winter Creek using various biomonitoring indices. The benthic community in Balsam Hollow Brook probably represents a disturbed community, responding to reduced riparian cover, agricultural inputs, and the golf course. Check out: http://www.upei.ca/~biology/giberson/HortonRiver.htm |