P7 Summary

Marquee Series

     The Marquee Series was a late addition to the People's
Summit, and came about because we simply could not let the
opportunity pass us by.  The series began as an idea for a single
one evening event and grew into a whole series of evenings in
which well-known Social Justice advocates brought the P7
message to a large number of people.

      The Marquee series included Maude Barlow, Bob White, Ed
Broadbent, Vandanna Shiva, David Suzuki and a whole host of
entertainers who participated in the Gala evening hosted by the
Cotton Tree Project.  Every  event was packed to the  rafters,
with many having standing room only.  

     Many thanks are due to a number of people who worked so hard
to make the Marquee series the great success that it was.  I
would like to take the liberty of offering special thanks to the
following people, without whom the Marquee series could not have