Who is Organizing the People's Summit?

The People's Summit is being organized by volunteers. Committee members are activists, artists, service industry workers, teachers, librarians, students, lawyers... people who are interested in making a difference.

The Various Committees of The People's Summit

The Open Public Forums are meetings that make decisions on the general direction of the People's Summit. The forums also act as a check-in mechanism for the committees, an internal educational opportunity, and a great place to find out how you can become involved.
Meetings: 6:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the People's Summit office, "Club 55", 2330 Gottingen Street
Working Groups and Action Committees are opportunities for volunteers to become actively involved in various aspects of "hands on" organizing. Open to all.
The Coordinating Committee is made up of representatives from each of the volunteer action committees. The Coordinating Committee addresses issues that arise between forums and carries out the decisions made at forum meetings.

For more information:
Drop into the People's Summit Office 2330 Gottingen Street or,
Call: (902) 425-1550
Fax: (902) 425-7778
Send us E-Mail