Tips for a safe journey home
or, There and Back Again! |
Subject: Tips for a safe journey home
Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 19:48:12 -0700
From: Karin Zirk
Newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow
If you're coming home this summer, here's some tips to get you home safely.
Please, if you hitch hike, do it during the day when you have a better chance at scoping out the
folks picking you up. Listen to your gut feelings. If something about the ride doesn't seem
quite right, it probably isn't so wait for the next ride.
If you don't have a ride, try to find someone to ride share with. If you plan on driving with
other folks, please talk about traveling styles and who is going to pay for what before you go.
Take the time to meet the other people in a neutral place such as a coffee shop to get to know
each other. While most folks heading to the gathering are kind loving folks, there are alway a
few who aren't. If you're a passenger, find out if the driver is legal and the car is legal. If
you're the driver, find out if your passengar is legal to drive before allowing him/her to do so.
As we get close to the gathering site, there are often legal and/or illegal road blocks up. So be
prepared to interact with Law Enforcement.
If you drive, make sure your car is 100% legal. Verify that all turn signals, headlights, brake
lights and running lights are in proper working order. Make sure you have bumpers, seat belts,
and car seats for children. Make certain that your car is registered, you have valid registration
tags on your license plate, a copy of the current registration in your car, proof of insurance,
and a valid drivers license.
Have your paperwork in order!!! Also, if you can group up with others about 100 miles away
from the site and caravan in together, you can serve witness to each other in case law
enforcement hassles you.
Please don't drive under the influence. Your life is important to us and we want you to get home
safely. Please remember that some mind altering substances are illegal and if you go through a
roadblock the cops will be looking on your dashboard, car seats, back window ledge and any other
visable place for signs that there are illegal substances in the vehicle. Don't give them any
cause to search your vehicle. Please remember that oders from the inside of a car can also
justify searching your vehicle to a cop.
Please don't hurry home. Obey the speed limits. Especially as you get into the woods, road
conditions can change drastically from place to place and if you're speeding you can easily go
off the road and die!! Don't think I'm bullshitting. It has happened too many times over the
years that folks heading for the gathering have been killed enroute. Please keep yourself alive.
Make sure the driver is getting sleep. Don't nod off at the wheel.
If you're coming by plane, train or automobile, take the time to plan your arrival so that you
can get into the gathering before dark. The last few miles of a journey home are often poorly
marked and it's easy to get lost!
As you come through the local towns, feel free to stop and spend your hard earned money. If
you're spending money, let the local folks know that you're visiting this area to go to the
gathering. If you don't have any money, please pass on through - don't hang out in town and bum
money, tobacco or booze. When you get home, we'll feed you. Please do not rip off the local
folks. Please respect other people's lifestyles. Remember, it is a sign of respect to honor the
local customs. The more respect we show the local folks, the more respect they will show us.
So as you are anxiously counting down the days until you leave for the gathering, take the time
to get your affairs in order.
Have a fun and safe journey home!!! We Love You!!
HOME!!!! |