The Phantom*
The Newsletter that Comes When Needed

Editor's note: This is the newsletter of the Nova Scotia square and round dance community. Issues appear whenever the Editor has received enough material, but only after he has also secured the proverbial and much coveted "round tuit". The Phantom exists mainly in CyberSpace, although a printer friendly version will be produced whenever additional round tuits come to hand.

Material for new issues, dear reader, must come from you. I ask that you occasionally send a short summary of recent events in your part of the Nova Scotia square and round dance world. Images are welcome, but please include brief descriptions as well. Send your contributions to the address shown below.

Number 9
December 2014
Editor: Gary Welch

Cumberland Twirlers presents the Class of 2014
Your Federation at Work
A One Hundred and First Birthday Dance
The Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Stardusters
Ottawa Festival 2014
A Lake City Christmas Evening
The Federation Advertizes: 50+ Expo


Cumberland Twirlers Presents the Class of 2014

On March 18, 2014, Cumberland Twirlers welcomed 13 new dancers into their membership after graduating with their Bachelor of Mainstream Square Dancing degree. Names of graduates, in alphabetical order: Ken & Etta Adams, John & Evelyn Bradford, Ray & Betty Cochran, Don Corkum & Audrey Marshall, Sandy & Nancy Fairbanks, Bill Meehan, and Weldon & Nancy Travis.

In addition 4 couples graduated with their Bachelor of Plus Square Dancing degree. This included Ormond & Audrey Boss, Clare Christie, Dennis Farnell & Louise Jollota, Brian Faught & Durline & June Stiles. (Dennis & Louise missing from photo)

The club and graduates were honored to have Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi, Paul & Cathy Langille in attendance and taking part in the graduating exercises.

This makes a total of 393 Cumberland Twirlers graduates since the club was formed in 1974; Al Mills, the founding caller stayed 20 years, followed by Ken Eagles for 15 years, Faye Germon (above, at left) has been the club caller since 2010.


Your Federation at Work:
the March 2014 Executive Meeting

The Executive usually meets 2 or 3 times each year, including one meeting in early Spring. If club dues were raised to $20,000 annually, the Executive could afford to meet in the Great Hall of the Kremlin, like the members of the Russian State Council, but perhaps at a smaller table. As it is, we settle for a Sobeys Community Room or equivalent. This year the spring meeting took place on 20 March in Greenwood. Here are the agenda and minutes, and the reports from the various Executive members and provincial regions, both in pdf format. Check these to find out what your Federation has been up to recently.


A One Hundred and First Birthday Dance

This special lady just keeps truckin'. Fundy Squares organized a special birthday dance for Esther Shute on 24 September in Wilmot. Local TV reporters captured the event for the evening news. Don and Carol Scott also had their camera in action, and kindly provided the following pictures.


The Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Stardusters

The evening was filled with good dancing, memories, and tasty food when the Stardusters celebrated its 45th anniversary on 20 November. Thanks to Paul Blades and Paul Langille for the following photos.

Four "old timers" share happy memories between tips.

Certificates are presented to Stardusters presidents Garey and Ruby Bent (right), and caller Kerry Fletcher, by Federation Presidents Paul and Cathy Langille (in red) and Canadian Society Past-Presidents Bob and Inge Ruohoniemi.

Yes, younger folks still enjoy square dancing!

The assembled crowd filled the hall at South Woodside Community Centre - first of 3.

President Garey Bent cuts the cake.


Ottawa Festival 2014

Canada's national square and round dance convention was held in Ottawa's spiffy new convention centre on 17-19 July. Nearly three dozen Bluenosers joined in the fun: lots of great dancing (including a special Maritime Callers Session), restaurants galore in nearby ByWard Market, ideal weather for dancing on The Hill, and 1045 dancers from North America and other continents. A few photos from the Editor are included below.

The Poplar Grove Campground outside Ottawa

Eight happy campers (including the photographer)

Dancers assemble for the walk to the Hill

First of two: The Bluenosers getting ready to go.

The Chateau Laurier, with Parliament beyond

Nova Scotians leading the way

The Changing of the Guard

First of two: Square dancers take over the grounds.

Main floor of the Convention Centre

Shops and display booths are upstairs.

Don Moger calling in the Challenge Hall

These Japanese ladies spoke little English, but they could dance!

The closing session

Next: Regina 2016!


A Lake City Christmas Evening

On 11 December the members of Lake City Swingers reenacted their Christmas ritual: Supper at Swiss Chalet followed by an evening of dancing and Mary Sargeant's homemade chocolates. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! The following pictures of the evening's festivities were kindly donated by Bob and Inge Ruohoniemi.


The Federation Advertizes: 50+ Expo

The 2014 edition of 50+ Expo was held at the Halifax Exhibition Park on Friday and Saturday June 13,14. Volunteer dancers presented an attractive show each day, and engaged with a number of interested spectators. What comes from such effort is hard to assess, but most agree that the square dance community must put itself in front of the public at every opportunity. Thanks to this year's volunteers, to organizers Carol and Don Scott, and to callers Dottie Welch and Kerry Fletcher!

The happy Friday crowd

A spectator asks for more information.

Saturday's volunteers pose with smiles.


* Want to dance the next tip but can't quite make a square? Experienced dancers know the solution: ask a phantom (or two) to fill in! Phantoms are spirits who come when needed, and do their part of the action so the real folks can dance. They are, however, quite mischievous, and their antics can cause all sorts of hilarious bloopers by real dancers! Thankfully, phantoms disappear when no longer needed. Like its namesake, this newsletter first came when needed - to fill in for it's predecessor Between Tips. It's antics have been largely harmless, and it was expected to "go poof" when a new Between Tips editor was found. Such editors, however, seem to be rare birds; expect The Phantom to haunt the SRDFNS web site for awhile yet!