"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
MAY    2004    --    Number 118
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New Square Dance Club in Nova Scotia

           The residents of the Ardoise area of West Hants County have a new activity to enjoy. InJanuary 2004, the second attempt to organize a square dance group in Ardoise proved to besuccessful. Caller Bruce Savage was coaxed to drive out to the Ardoise Community RecreationCentre on Thursday nights to teach an eager group of new dancers how to enjoy themselves atsquare dancing. Fourteen people have had a great time learning the basic movements that startseveryone on the journey through a life of square dancing! The couples and paired-up singles arewell on the way to completing the Mainstream 1-53 program and graduation in the Fall.
Dice Hill Logo
           Under Bruce's guidance, the new dancers have learned not only the square dancemovements, but also some of the customs and traditions of the activity. It was soon obvious thatthe new dancers should create a name for the group. About 12 suggestions were voted down toone choice - "Dice Hill Squares". The title Dice Hill, refers to the traditional name for the 3kmlong hill, where the Community Hall is located, beside Highway 1 leading to Windsor fromBedford/Sackville. Legend has it that when British soldiers were posted at the foot of the hill toguard the only road from Windsor to Halifax in early colonial times, they occupied their time byplaying dice. There are many square dancers living in the Annapolis Valley who recall drivingthrough mountainous snowdrifts on Dice Hill as they made their way to Halifax many years ago.

           With a name selected, the next step was to decide on a logo. The choices were drafted byone of the new dancers and by majority vote the selection was made. Finally, it was decided thatthere should be a special dance held at the end of the scheduled program, to invite dancers fromother clubs, and to create a special theme for the event. Since Mulberry trees are usually in fullbloom throughout the area at the end of May, the group decided to hold the first Dice HillSquares Mulberry Dance! This special event will occur on Thursday, 27 May from 8 to 10pm atthe Ardoise Community Recreation Centre. Dancers are invited to come and meet the membersof the newest square dance club in the province and share their love of dancing. The Co-ordinators for the club can provide maps and further information by contacting: Bob & IngeRuohoniemi 757-3884

           The club has plans to begin another class in September and continue the fun andfellowship on Thursday nights in Ardoise!


           The 21st annual Scotia Dancers Spring Fling was not only a dance, it was a party! Howcould you tell? Well the whoopin and hollering could be heard far and wide as the dancers hadthemselves a great time on the floor!

           The number of visitors who found our new "digs" was exactly right for the size of ourhall. Everyone had enough space to dance and to take time-outs whenever necessary. The dancehall was tastefully decorated with plenty of spring flowers and butterflies. Marilyn Matheson andher many helpers did an excellent decorating job.

           The program began with rounds cued by Alex Ritchie in his special style. The couples onthe floor managed to complete 18 dances in the space of 55 minutes - they really made good useof the available time!

           The main event at 7pm was opened by guest caller, Pat Alquire and club caller, PatMatheson forming up a new duet combo to present the opening and closing singing calls. It wasthe opinion of many in the hall that they could cut a CD and it would sell very well! We hadeight squares up dancing up a storm while others took a break from the virtually continuousmusic that was playing. Between Pat Alquire's singing calls, Alex Ritchie cued rounds for a fullcircle of dancers.

           The district councillor, Bob Harvey and his wife dropped in to welcome everyone to thenew Sackville Heights Community Centre. He invited everyone to return next year for the 22ndSpring Fling. Halfway through the evening, there was a short intermission while dancers caughttheir breath and Dot and Ron Connell organized a fun "Survivor Game". There was lots ofjockeying for position, but Roy Sewell managed to outguess Emery Faught to win the grandprize!

           A highlight of the evening was the presentation of Scotia Dancers club life-membershipsto two very deserving ladies. Both Edna Myers and Pat Alquire have been staunch supporters ofall club activities for over 30 years, and richly deserve this honour. The attendees were inunanimous agreement.

           The draws for the 50/50 monies, and the Spring Fling Raffle created great excitment.Prize winners walked away with happy smiles, as did the many door prize winners. Over 90% ofthe guests received door prizes!

           As we know, all good things must come to an end, so the Friendship Ring and theBlessing given by Caller Barry Walker brought the dance to a succesful conclusion. But ofcourse, no Nova Scotia special dance evening would be complete without a lunch! That treat wasenjoyed in the excellent dining room across the hall from the dance space.

           As guests departed there were many comments that they had enjoyed themselves andlooked forward to the 22nd annual Scotia Dancers Spring Fling 05 on Saturday, 16 April 2005.

Scotia lighthouse

Metro Square and Round Dance Association

           On February 28th, 2004 Metro Association hosted a very successful fundraiser for theHeart & Stroke Foundation.

           The South Woodside Community Center was a very pretty scene of red and whitedecorations, creating a festive atmosphere for our guests. Many door prizes were donated for thisevent by the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

           On behalf of the Metro Association we wish to say thank you to the Metro Fiddlers forproviding a wonderful evening of live music. We say thank you to Caller Dottie Welch and CuerAlex Ritchie for providing an enjoyable evening of square and round dancing.

           The Heart & Stroke Foundation was given a total of $912.00 in donations. Metro Squareand Round Dance Association expresses a sincere thank you to the decorating committee and thehelpful hands with the food and beverage preparation. We hope you will all mark your calendarsfor the annual 2005 Heart Dance.

Respectfully submitted, Junior & Pauline Arsenault, Metro Chair

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