"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
MARCH    2002
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  1. There were no nominations for Federation awards for the year 2002.    It was decided to publicize the Awards system and invite nominations in accordance with the criteria approved at the AGM. (published in BT Nov 2001).   Three couples have volunteered to serve on the Federation Awards committee to screen nominations which must be submitted to the President.

  2. The Federation Trailer has been "booked" for parades in July, August, and November.    Clubs are encouraged to make use of this excellent advertising platform in their areas, noting the transportation subsidy that is available.   If you would like to make a reservation please contact Ron Connell or 902-434-3023.   The request form for your submission is attached to this newsletter.

  3. It was confirmed that the Federation would participate in the 50+ EXPO in Halifax on Friday & Saturday 14/15 June at the Exhibition Grounds.   Don Scott will be co-ordinating the requirements for this project.   Dancers interested in participating should contact him at 902-865-5780 or

  4. The Fundy Region planning for FESTIVAL 2003 is progressing well with a slogan "A Dancing Spree in 2003".   The first advertising flyers have been sent out with Registration forms to follow shortly. Dancers should note the fund-raising dance on Sunday, 21 July 2002 and FESTIVAL 2003 Friday/Saturday 1/2 August 2003, both in Truro.

  5. It was recommended that more information should be provided when submitting information for the Federation Calendar of Events in order to better inform dancers.   The type of dancing: S/D or R/D and Levels or Phases; the type of dress expected: Traditional (normal in NS), Proper, or Casual; and a contact person's name, telephone number, and email address (if available) should be provided to the Calendar Editor for each entry.

  6. The Board members continued the discussion regarding S/D levels/programs and the terminology to be used for Mainstream 1-53.   It was suggested that the Federation should re-examine the ratio of M/S(1- 53), M/S, Plus, and Advanced level to the number of dancers who are able to dance those levels.   Region and Club Reps were asked to try and determine the number of dancers who dance at each of these levels.   Anyone interested in discussing this subject is invited to contact Dick Conley at 902-895- 7042 or .

  7. Since the Federation has not found a couple to handle the Publicity duties, Dick Conley has stepped forward to produce this year's Summer Brochure.   All information for the brochure must be forwarded to him by 15 March.   Dick Conley, 11 Hallett Dr., Truro, NS   B2N 5J4 .

  8. Since Square & Round Dancing in NS is a "smoke-free" activity, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of NS is encouraging all Nova Scotians to promote a healthy-smoke-free environment for everyone, the members of the Board unanimously passed a resolution that: "Only smoke free legislation that provides 100% protection in public places and workplaces will truly protect the health of Nova Scotians".   This resolution will be forwarded to the Premier and the Minister of Health for consideration when smoke-free legislation is being considered by the NS Government.

  9. The Board has received one request for a Caller/Cuer Bursary from the Federation.   The deadline for applications is 30 March 2002.   The Bursary application form will be re-inserted in the Federation Handbook at the next printing; in the meantime, a copy is attached to this newsletter.

  10. The next Board meeting is planned for the Spring in a region and on a date to be determined later.

by Ron Connell, 2 Feb 2002

Who needs it? We tend to ignore liability insurance because it is so cheap (50›) and usually paid directly by theclub. Out of sight, out of mind.

It might come to our attention if we "forgot" to pay the premium, and we burn down the hall where we dance. Inthis case, the club may be taken to court and each member, by law, is liable for his or her share of the judgment. This could easily amount to thousands of dollars each. It is important that you make sure this tiny premium is paid.

A new policy has been signed for the period 1 Jan 2002 to 31 Dec 2002, covering actions related to square dancingin all its forms.


Commercial General Liability
Non owned automobile liability
Directors and Officers liability
Tenants legal liability
Legal liability for damage to Hired Autos

$ 5,000,000
$ 5,000,000
$ 2,000,000
$ 250,000
$ 50,000
$ 500

Coverage is available to Society, Federations, Associations, Clubs, Callers, Cuers, and Members. The 50› fee ispayable by each of these members or groups. Clubs who are in good standing are published in Between Tips, justafter the Federation's Annual General Meeting. Shortly thereafter, each club is issued a certificate and membershipcards for each insured member.

Liability is limited to those who might take each of the above to court and get a judgment in their favour. Smallclaims are usually settled out of court.

Cross liability is also covered. This means we can sue each other for provable damages.

Protection is only effective if the member is in "good standing" at the time of the incident, that means that the feesare paid and proof exists that the member is in fact a member. For visitors, this usually means keeping a "guestbook" for evidence.

Coverage is applicable to square dancing anywhere in the world, but the lawsuit must be laid in Canada.

Property damage is covered to $100,000 and covers property owned by the SD/RD organization. ($500 deductible).

This does not include caller's equipment. However, damage to the caller's equipment by a dancer may be claimedby the caller as a cross liability. This is not property damage, but liability.

Check your coverage now! You might avoid a disaster.

For further information contact Martin Mallard after 11 Mar 2002, (613)257-7188, or see

In case of a possible claim under this policy numbered CGU #AS2569 contact:

Greg Grebinski
AON Reed Stenhouse Inc.
Suite 1000, 2103 11th Avenue
Regina SK S4P 3Z8
(306)569-6721 or
with all details of who, what, where, when, why, and how.

Join a parade

What can we do to help Square and Round Dancing in Nova Scotia?

       Lately there is lots of doom and gloom regarding the future of Square and Round Dancing. Clubs are shrinkingand dying. Leaders are retiring without replacements. Classes are small or non-existent.What can we do that might reverse these trends?

  1. Dance with enthusiasm.
    Consider yourself improperly attired if you are not wearing a smile. Smiles are contagious and seem to spread intoevery corner if given half a chance. Help make every evening a joyful one for all.
  2. Help with the chores.
    All dancers need to participate in the ongoing chores associated with a club. All clubs need people to work at alllevels even if is only to help arrange the dance floor or to assist the caller in setting up equipment. Remember thatmany hands make light work. Also too few hands make a burden too heavy to carry.
  3. Visit other clubs. Dance to other callers. Meet more people.
    You will find that they are just as much fun to dance with as your own club and you broaden your experience andfind new friends who are just as interested in this activity as you are.
  4. Take pride in Square and Round Dancing.
    Take pride in your club, your association, your provincial federation, your national society, and your internationalactivity. Be interested and involved in the square and round dance activity at all levels. This is a truly incredibleorganization with its opportunities to share the joy of dancing with others from different clubs, regions, provincesand countries. Your local area association needs your input to improve the local dance scene. The province needsyour involvement in planning Festivals and coordinating special dances. And what better way to show yoursupport nationally than to attend the National Convention 2002 in Saint John, New Brunswick, and help welcomedancers from across Canada and around the world to the Maritimes.
  5. Spread the Word.
    Use every opportunity to tell non-dancers about the unique recreation you have found. You never know when youwill spark some interest that will bring new friends to the dance floor. If you have an idea for a larger publicityventure, suggest it to your club or local area representative.
  6. Every little bit helps.
    A small input on your part can reap amazing benefits. Divided we fall but united we prosper. Square and rounddancing has become an internationally successful recreation because many dancers supported the activity overmany years. We can continue to be successful if we continue to participate both as dancers and as organizers. Changes in society have changed the framework within which we are functioning. If we work together we can findnew ways to entice new dancers and to maintain and to improve what we have.
  7. Enjoy the Moment
    "That was great, let's do it all again!" Sarah Hughes made this comment just after her gold medal winning longprogram in figure skating. Enjoying the moment is what it's all about.

  8. In Memory of Marg Keighan

           We were sad to note the passing of Marg Keighan in last week's paper. Her death on Friday, February 15th inNiagara Falls, Ontario, was apparently caused by cancer. Marg and Tom's 48 years of marriage included manyyears here in the Maritimes. During that time she learned to cue from John Essex. Marg cued for the DancingShadows for several years in the late 70s and early 80s taking the club over from John Essex and passing it on toAlex Ritchie when the Keighans moved to Ontario in 1986. She was involved in the planning for the HalifaxNational Convention in 1982 and in 1983 she started the Fun Time Rounds. Although she has been away fromNova Scotia for a long time, those of us who danced and worked with Marg still have fond memories of hercompetent teaching and smooth cueing and Tom's inexhaustible supply of humour.

    by Ron Connell, 2 Feb 2002

    Many versions of the licensing requirements of SOCAN have been discussed. This article is an attempt to outlinethe current requirements in everyday language.

    A licence is required by law in some form or another, anytime music is used for entertainment. Various "Tariffs"are used.

    All callers and cuers are required to have a Tariff 19 licence for all performances. This costs each caller/cuer about$65 annually. Don't forget this expense when setting your caller/cuer fees.

    In addition, "special" dances require a Tariff 8 licence (about $60 to $70). These are where tickets are sold,advertising is distributed, non club members are invited and is NOT in place of, or related to a regular club dance.This usually refers to National, Provincial, or Association dances. Some judgement is necessary, and SOCANexpects Square Dance organizations to be honest. If in doubt, call the SOCAN representative. You'll find themquite cooperative, as they recognize the non-profit nature of our organizations.

    Certain dances do not require a Tariff 8 licence. These are covered by a caller/cuer Tariff 19 licence.

    Tariff 8 licence:

    1. Not required for ordinary club dances on ordinary club nights. Also not required for theme dance, Halloween, Christmas, etc. on club nights.
    2. Not required for promotion dances in public buildings.
    3. Not required for performance in Seniors' homes or Nursing homes.
    4. Not required for events sponsored by city recreational centres.
    5. Not required for demonstrations at Exhibitions or in Parades.
    6. A club that uses records without a caller does not require a Tariff 8 licence, but does require a Tariff 19 licence.

    For further information contact SOCAN at 1-800-557-6226 or see:

    A closing note: Three businesses in Winnipeg in 1996 agreed to pay $1500 to a group of record companies forplaying recorded music at dances and wedding receptions without a licence.


           Any dancer wishing to become a square dance caller or round dance cuer or any current caller/cuer wishingto upgrade skills may apply to the Square & Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia for a bursary to help offsetthe expenses incurred.
           New callers/cuers and applicants from remote areas will be given preference over callers/cuers wantingrefresher training. Preference will also be given to those wishing to attend Canadian schools and clinics.
           Bursary applications must be submitted to the Federation President by MARCH 30 for consideration thatyear. Applicants will be notified by MAY 30 of acceptance or rejection. The bursary will be paid to the applicantupon receipt of report from the school or clinic, showing attendance and participation.
           The current maximum amount of Federation assistance is $100.00 per applicant. The Federation mayapprove up to two applications per year.


           Complete the "Bursary Application Form" of the Square & Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia andforward the completed form to the current Federation President. Be sure to enclose a brief explanation for choosinga particular school or clinic. Application forms must have Regional and/or Club approval and comments.A current Caller/Cuer's reference must also be provided for applicants without previous formal training.

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