"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
JUNE 2000
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The Scotia Dancers celebrated the new Millenium with their 17th Annual Spring Fling onSaturday 15 April. There had been considerable turmoil during the winter as the Club was unable toreserve their normal hall and were bumped out of the replacement after the first advertising was sent out.Numerous club visits and a new set of flyers seemed to do the trick for most dancers as there was a verybig turnout at the Sackville Heights Junior High School. Most dancers thought the school had the bestfloor and accoustics in Metro.
The afternoon workshop had 12 squares on the floor learning new movements and combinationsfrom the caller Dave Paulen. Dave & Blanche hail from Margaree on Cape Breton Island as Blanchecarefully pointed out to the Emcee at the opening announcements!
The famous Scotia Dancer Hip of Beef Dinner was a tasty treat for all the Advance ticket holders.As he has done for so many years, Herm Wills produced a new combination of edibles to delighteveryone. The most common comment heard was: "It was sooo good".
After dinner, Blanche Paulen put the Round Dancers through a series of easy rounds that gaveRound Dancers good experience and a fun hour of dancing.
Dancer's Duds & Frills Shop from Moncton and George's Western Wear from Dartmouth had abrisk trade throughout the day, with many dancers eager to update their outfits. Both shops generouslydonated gift certificates as raffle prizes for the attendees.
The Scotia Dancers were very pleased to have former Club members, Walter & Norma Allen, paya visit to see many old friends from the very earliest days of Square Dancing in Halifax. They begandancing in 1958 and continued to enjoy the activity until their last dance together in 1998.
There were plenty of Door Prizes handed out so that almost every third couple had something totake home from the dance. The generosity of the Scotia Dancers is becoming legendary!
The evening dancers enjoyed the skills of two callers, with Pat Alquire joining Dave for thesquare dancing. Blanche provided the easy rounds.
The traditional Grand March was a special experience for all the new & recently graduatedDancers. Most were wide-eyed upon joining 34 squares of dancers lined up in rows across the floor. Atannouncement time, the Scotia Dancers paid tribute to thededicated supporters who had attended all 17 Spring Flings.
Special Millenium certificates were given to: Ron & Dot Connell, Don & Jean Killam, Earle &Glenna Kinsman, Harold & Clara Redden, and Alex Ritchie & Bernice Thurber.
The main evening dance concluded with the Friendship Ring(s) and a blessing by Rev. JimFraser. There was lots of laughter and conversation as everyone then enjoyed the dessert sweets, coffee,& tea provided by the hardworking Scotia Dancer volunteers.
As dancers left the school there were many promises to return again next year to share in thefellowship and fun of the Annual Scotia Dancers Spring Fling.
The Federation Trailer is a great, low cost way of getting visability for Square Dancing.The audience is captive and willing to watch how much fun you are having.
The trailer was constructed in 1996, and has been used mainly in the Valley area. It is aflat trailer built on the lines of the floor and wheels of a house trailer, but without the house andfurniture. This makes it easy to haul with an ordinary van or half ton truck. For the actual parade,the sides slide out to make an 11 foot wide floor. It shrinks to 8 foot wide for travel on thehighway. The 120 volt power unit supplied will operate any caller's equipment.
The trailer has been requested 15 times in past years and used 12 times. It is scheduled tobe used for five parades this summer.
Interested? For more information contact:
Harold and Clara Redden at or 902-538-9513
Ron and Dot Connell at or 902-434-3023.
John Medicraft, a member of the Jolly Roger Squares, decided to take up calling in 1971 and calledguest tips to help Ivan Doggett, the Club Caller. Commencing the following year Ivan and John sharedthe calling until Ivan's retirement in 1991. John continued calling for the Jolly Roger Squares untilFebruary 24, 2000.
During this time period he called for a Shelburne Square Dance Club for ten years; had a Youth Clubin Brooklyn for four years; called for the Sunrise Squares for fifteen years and held Plus Workshops atDayspring, open to all the Clubs in Queens and Lunenburg area.
John attended a number of Caller Schools at the House of Roth and also was on staff for a number ofyears when the House of Roth held a Labour Day Week-End of Square Dancing and Camping.
One of the highlights of John's career was when he was asked to be the Maritimes Representative tocall on Parliament Hill during the first Ottawa Convention in 1980.
John and Marcella took part in many demonstration dances, exchange dances and conventions andwere constantly promoting square dancing.
We are pleased that John and Marcella plan to continue-dancing regularly now that John has retiredfrom calling.
Jolly Roger Squares wish to express their gratitude to John for the 29 years of fun and fellowship hehas provided to so many dancers and wish he and Marcella All the Best in the future.
Submitted by Fran Dalziel
Do You Enjoy Meeting People?
Do You Enjoy Square & Round Dancing?
Do You Enjoy a Good Time?
If you do, Why not sign up for the Federation Demo Booth at this year's "Seniors Expo"!
Your Federation is looking for one volunteer couple from each Club in Nova Scotia.
You will enjoy a day of fun - dancing and talking to the public at the
World Trade & Convention Centre in Halifax on
Friday 14 or Saturday 15 of July.
Your admission is covered by wearing Dance attire.
You can participate
any time between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
When not dancing you're free to enjoy the Expo!
Contact Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi at 902-757-3884
Square Dancing in Europe in the 60's
The celebration of their 52nd wedding anniversary prompted Roy and Shirley Dobson to reminisce abouttheir early square dance experiences. Having learned to dance while stationed at a NATO military base inEurope, they represent a small but significant segment of our square dancers and wepersuaded them to share their memories with you.
NATO military bases in Europe during the 60'splayed an important role in the history of modern squaredancing. It was at a NATO base, somewhere in Europeduring the 60's, that many of us began dancing.Square dancing provided a recreational and social
activity that often became a lifetime pleasure. There were square dance clubsat nearly all of the Canadian and American bases and eachmade its contribution to the local community. For thosestationed at #1 Air Division Headquarters in Metz, France during the 60's many unique opportunities were enjoyed bythe dancers.
As Canadians in a foreign country, it was imperative that good civic relations bepursued and positive public relations always at the fore.Thus it was that in Metz, Francein 1964, the Sq'Air Divs hosted the European "Fall Roundup". Callers and dancers fromall over Europe attended. The microphone was shared by a California caller from a USair base and a caller from England.
Another unique square dance adventure in Metz was having a groupof local French folk dancers join the Sq'Air Divs to learn squaredancing. The only part of the "lingo" they recognized was "AllemandeLeft" which they quickly dubbed "German Left". They did not learn tospeak much English, but did learn to square dance and understand itsown language.
A Diehard's badge was earned by onegroup who travelled to five different bases intwo countries on five successive nights.Distances were not great but European roads atthat time were a challenge. However, theopportunity to dance with so many clubs and so many differentcallers added a special dimension to square dancing.
Perhaps the highlight of the square danceactivities in Metz, France was theopportunity to join other national dancegroups to perform at the President's Palace where an affairwas hosted by the Commander of the military division ofMetz-Maselle. Dancers took the stage to entertain the eliteof the French political and military world. Since this affairwas telecast on the national network, these Air Divdancers became TV stars thus promoting square dancing as an important componentof dance folklore.
No doubt dancers from #1 Wing, #2 Wing and #3 Wing during the 60's have many other experiencesto share. Since many of the dancers who danced while stationed in Europe later returned to Canada or theUnited States and joined local square dance clubs or became square dance callers or cuers (John and FranEssex and Ken and Donna Gibson), this recreational activity had a long term effect on Modern SquareDancing and is an important part of our history.
Included with the mailing of this issue of Between Tips are the April 2000 versions of Callerlab's Mainstreamand Plus Programs (see program calls). Except for renumbering, no changes have been made since 1997.
Callers should please note that Cross Trail Thru was moved from Basic to A-1 in 1993.
In 1997 Partner Tag was moved from Plus to A-1 and Remake the Thar was moved from Plus to A-2. Sincethere are now have several years of new graduates who have not been taught these moves, it is no longer fair to thedancers to call any of these three moves at an open Mainstream or Plus dance unless you workshop them first.
Why Programs and Lists?
CALLERLAB programs define a worldÄwide standard of square dance calls to be taught in square danceclasses or workshops. Program lists, such as this one, list the set of calls that may be called at a dance advertised tobe a specific dance program i.e. Basic, Mainstream, Plus, etc. Dance promoters are encouraged to list the programto be danced on flyers, brochures and other advertisements of open dances. Dancers should refer to the programdesignations to seek out dances that will consist of material with which they are familiar. Program lists are used bycallers in programming an appropriate dance for a specific group of dancers. Including the desired program in thecaller's confirmation agreement will provide programming guidance to the caller as well as protection for thesponsoring organization.
The program(s) are not intended to segregate dancers into exclusive groups or to indicate that one whochooses to dance at his or her own preferred program is any better, or any worse, than any other dancer. Dancingskill can be achieved at many programs, and the quantity of calls is not necessarily an indication of dancerproficiency. It is hoped that the program lists will be used to aid in a logical teaching progression and thoroughcoverage of basics in classes and to provide an enjoyable modem square dance for dancers of all inclinations. Inaddition, CALLERLAB's intent is that approved styling and timing of square dance movements will be an integralpart of all classes and dance programs. It is also hoped that proper teaching, including timing and styling, willresult in smooth dancing for the greater enjoyment of all.
What Next?
Responsible leaders, within and outside of CALLERLAB, recommend that dancers dance regularly at theprogram at which they graduate for at least one (1) year before they enter into classes or workshops for anotherprogram. This means that dancers graduating from the Mainstream Program should dance regularly at Mainstreamdances for a year before going into the Plus Program. Graduates from the Plus Program should dance regularly atPlus dances for a year before going into an Advanced Program, etc.
There should be no pressure put on dancers to move from one program to another once they have graduated.Dancers should be encouraged to take their time, enjoy the fun and fellowship and learn to dance well at thatprogram before moving on to another program.
What About Quarterly Selections?
Dancers are not required to know the Quarterly Selections in order to attend an advertised Mainstream or Plusdance.
Quarterly Selections are not part of the Mainstream or Plus Programs. They are provided as optional materialfor those callers and/or clubs that wish to include a workshop in their programs. Callers are reminded thatQuarterly Selections should not be used unless they are walked through or workshopped first.
There is no program called Basic/Mainstream or Mainstream/Plus. No dancer is required to know Mainstreamcalls to attend a Basic open dance, nor is any dancer required to know Plus calls to attend a Mainstream opendance. Please advertise dance program as Basic or Mainstream or Plus, NOT Basic/Mainstream orMainstream/Plus. If you wish to have a mixed level open dance then advertize it as such stating the proportion ofeach level. (i.e. Mainstream with one Plus Tip)
On Thursday April 13, 2000 Benny Slade's Stardusters formally welcomed 19 new dancers into the club witha PotLuck Supper, Graduation Ceremony and Dance. Always an impressive sight as most of the eighty-two clubmembers present were dressed in club 'blues' and the Community Centre and School Gym also decorated in clubcolours. Three non-dancer guests also joined the festivities.
Club Caller, Kerry Fletcher, assisted by Class Couple John and Marion Dagenais performed the lighting ofthe four-candle ceremony, representing the Flames of Friendship, Duty, Democracy and Enjoyment. To the newclub members he reiterated -
"Square dancing is a common bond between us as friends. Wherever you shallvisit, or whomsoever shall visit you. Never let it be said that you were not friendly. Square dance is'Friendship Set To Music'. Greet others, and be courteous to others as you would have them be to you. Insquare dancing, you can develop lifetime friendships." |
Our first 2000 dancing started January 11th, from 7 to 10:00 p.m., with five squares. As a result of stormyweather we did not dance again until the 31st.
On February 8th we had a Valentine Dance. Guests were from the Highland Squares and the StrathmorStrutters. At times we danced six squares. Refreshments were served by the Social Committee.
Cobequid Twirlers danced at the Johnson Manor on February 11th and Townsview Estates March 1st. Ourcaller, Barry Bendle, called with Ed Giles calling a tip at Townsview.
Our caller, Barry, had the class well rehearsed in the different calls required for graduation. A meaningfulceremony was held and the club welcomed two couples as club members. Cake and ice cream were served. Anevening of fellowship and square dancing was enjoyed.
On February 28th eight couples went to the Strathmor Strutters and retrieved our banner and captured theirbanner. This same scenario was repeated on March 9th when eight couples went to Stellarton. Not to be outdone,ten couples from the Highland Squares of Stellarton came over to our dance and did the same to us. Needless tosay we all enjoyed the camaraderie.
Goofers Night was April 4th with two members livening the evening up with their tips. The Strathmor Struttersjoined us for this fun-filled event. Banner retrieving happened again on the 12th of the month when eight coupleswent to Scotia Dancers. The Maple Fling, on the 8th, in Amherst was attended by four members from our club. Onthe 27th Cobequid Twirlers danced at The Mira. On May 13th we hosted our first Tulip Festival Dance.
We are looking forward to hosting the annual Lobster Jamboree on June 3rd.
Submitted by Leota & Malco Perry
The "Leisure, Lifestyle & Living" 50 Plus Expo will be held on Friday/Saturday 14/15 July in the World Trade & ConventionCentre, Halifax. This year, each NS club is asked to provide one couple for a half or whole day to sit &/or dance at the booth.Volunteer Dancers in proper dress receive free admission to the event. Enjoy yourself dancing &smp; also view the exciting exhibits.Volunteers should contact Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi 902-757-3884,
or E-mail:
The Annual General Meeting of the Federation will be held on Saturday 23 September, 2000. Delegates should register at12:30pm at the Bloomfield Centre, Halifax. All Regional & Club Representatives are expected to attend this once-per-yearmeeting, to discuss & decide issues of importance to Square & Round Dancing in the Province. If your Club members areinterested in the future of our activity they should be represented. Individual dancers are welcome to attend & participate in thediscussions.
Make sure your Club Banner is brought to the AGM to take part in the "Most Beautiful Banner" Contest. Voting for 1st, 2nd, &3rd prizes will take place at the meeting.
Saturday 23 Sep at 6pm at the Bedford Junior High School, Rocky Lake Drive. This show is designed to provide bothinformation & entertainment for Nova Scotia Square & Round Dancers. Display Booths will be set up by various agencies,dance-related organizations, & commercial businesses. Refreshments will be provided during the exhibit period &anp; variousraffles/draws will be held. Live entertainment by Young Dancers, Barbershop Singers, & others will round out the show whichends at 8pm. The public is invited to visit so bring along a friend or relative to the show and the following dance!
Saturday 23 Sep at 8pm at the Bedford Junior High School, Rocky Lake Drive. All available ANSSRDT Callers & Cuers will beperforming. Door prizes, Banner Displays, and Special Awards will be made. Federation contacts are: Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi 902-757-3884, E-mail:
The Canadian Square & Round Dance Society is investigating affiliations with suitable organizations like the Heart & StrokeFoundation. The Editor of Canadian Dancers News is prepared to supply two free copies of the Society newsletter - CDN to eachclub in Nova Scotia as soon as clubs forward their addresses.
The METRO Association and completed a survey of dancers in the Metro Halifax area and SRDFNS surveyed the Province viaweb page regarding the proposed change to Square Dance attire as presented by Callerlab.
A METRO Caller - Dottie Welch, attended the latest Callerlab meeting at which they approved three classes of dress code.
"Traditional" | -- | skirts with crinolines, prairie skirts, long pants, & long-sleeved shirts as now worn. | |
"Proper" | -- | short-sleeved shirts & dress slacks & jeans for men & women. | |
"Casual" | -- | undefined but generally understood as tasteful & comfortable. |
Callerlab has left the designation of attire to be worn at dances in the hands of organizers of the dance and asked for a policy oftolerance. So, the code designation is back in the hands of the Federations, Associations, Caller/Cuer organizations, & the Clubs.
At the last two Federation Executive meetings, Region Representatives have reported that the vast majority of dancers in theirareas do not support any change in the dress code. The results from the two surveys above indicate that a large majority ofHalifax area dancers & dancers in other parts of NS, are content with the current dress code and do NOT want a change. As well,one in four METRO dancers have indicated they will quit the activity if the dress code is changed!
The Association of NS Square & Round Dance Teachers (ANSSRDT) have passed the following resolution:
"After reviewing Callerlab's April 2000 position paper on the Dress Code, and ANSSRDT members have agreed toencourage the organizers of Special Dances in Nova Scotia to request that attending dancers wear Traditional Attire." At an Executive meeting of the SRDFNS on 13 May, the Federation Executive passed a motion to accept the ANSSRDTrecommended dress code.
In view of the overwhelming number of dancers in NS who have expressed their desire to retain Traditional Attire as thedesignated dress code, the SRDFNS Vice-President has served notice of motion to add a dress code article to the Federation By-laws at the next Annual General Meeting, (see AGM 2000) with the following basic message:
"The Square & Round Dance Federation members encourage dancers belonging to Clubs which are members of the Square& Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia to wear Traditional Attire at all evening dances. Dress for Workshops and Themedances should be designated by the dance organizers."