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NSBG Logo 121 Crichton Avenue
Dartmouth NS B3A 3R6
Phone: 902-469-2798

E-mail: nsbg@chebucto.ns.ca
Website: www.nsbg.chebucto.org

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Winter 2012

Volume 24 Number 1, January to May 2012

Happy New Year
2012 -- our 24th year of basketmaking!

Celebrate by honouring our environment which provides us with so many weaving materials by participating in our "GREEN BASKETRY" exhibition during the month of April.  This event will take place in the month of Earth Day, April 22, which is 42 years old this year - by coincidence, the reverse of our 24 years of making baskets.  A good omen!


Note from Pat Othen:  Over the past few months I have added a couple of new items to our web pages.  Under the tab "Photo Gallery" are two new tabs "Past Projects" and "Basket Patterns", and in the coming months Joleen and I will expand the Honorary Members section under the tab "Past Events" to include a short biography on each of the Honorary Members.

(calendar year)

$15 per individual
$20 per couple

Payable to:
Nova Scotia Basketry Guild

Mail to:
121 Crichton Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,
B3A 3R6


Suggestions for workshops, and locations to hold the workshops are always appreciated.

If you, or someone you know, would like to teach a workshop, or have an idea for a workshop, or an idea for workshop space, please e-mail us and let us know. We have people who can help make it happen!

Do you or anyone you know do chair caning?  We often get requests through the web site looking for people to recane chair seats.

These gatherings are open to Guild Members only.
There is no formal teaching just sharing, to complete workshop projects or to start new ones.

Tuesday Mornings
starting Jan 17th
 9:30am to Noon
 with a potluck lunch at noon.

 Monday Evenings
 7pm to 9pm

E-Mail: Joleen for details


"GREEN Basketry"

March 28 to April 29, 2012 – Nova Scotia Basketry Guild Exhibition
Craig Gallery, Alderney Landing, Dartmouth Ferry Terminal
Opening Reception:  Wednesday, March 28, 7-9pm
Set-up dates:  March 27-28
Take-down dates:  April 29-30

Our theme, "GREEN Basketry", includes baskets made of green material collected from our natural environment and by re-using man-made materials thus “greening” our environment. 
We would like to collect baskets made of A WIDE RANGE of materials. 
Bring your baskets from now until the March 17th Annual General Meeting to Joleen’s home, 121 Crichton Avenue in Dartmouth – we would like to have a lot of materials exhibited.

Throughout the weeks leading up to our exhibition, we will be holding a series of basket making demonstrations at the Saturday morning market space near the door of the Craig Gallery in the Alderney Landing Farmers' Market:
Saturday January 28 – Cereal Box Pencil Holder Baskets
Saturday February 25 – Telephone Wire Baskets
If you have other baskets “on the go” bring them along and show off the many ways natural and man-made materials can be woven into useful baskets!

During the exhibition, we will be having a series of Saturday morning free workshops in the gallery area.  Children under 7 may need adult assistance.
Saturday March 31: 9:30-Noon - Strawberry Box Lanterns
Help participants make their own lantern of Nova Scotian made berry boxes complete with battery-operated tea light.  This is a 1950s Nova Scotian tradition.  Light their way home!
Saturday April 7: 9:30-Noon – Easter Baskets of Paper Strips and Ribbon
This basket re-uses materials found in our everyday environment.  Woven in the traditional style of Mi’kmaq fancy baskets with the diamond-shaped weave, participants  will be ready for the Easter Bunny!  
Saturday April 14: 9:30-Noon – Cattail Birds
This wrapped basketry bird uses natural materials found in ditches and wet areas.  Help the participants make a bird in the traditional Western Native Aboriginal style.  They float!

Sunday April 22 – Earth Day 2:00-4:00pm given by Joleen Gordon, President, Nova Scotia Basketry Guild
An afternoon display and talk about the traditional basket styles in the Mi’kmaq, the Black, the Acadian and the Celtic communities of our Province, all of whom use the specific natural materials found in our environment.  We hope to have a display of baskets made from re-using man-made materials.  Amazing creations made by people in cooperative communities “greening” and thus saving the environment.

In Addition:  we will have an Information Session for those seeking basket identification, care, conservation and repair.  Bring your baskets!

Usually the Third Saturday of each month (September to May)
Register with and pay the contact person listed for each class.
If you are not a current member you will be required to pay the $15 annual dues plus the class fee.

January 21, 2012 - Saturday
Birchbark Cylinder Container #1
with Joleen Gordon
pegged birchbark containeran example of the style

A container made of a rectangular piece of birchbark, rolled into a cylinder stitched with root and then pegged to a wooden circular bottom.  This canister-like container was traditionally used for storage.  You may wish to add a lid!

Instructor: Joleen Gordon

Cost:  $15.00 (includes materials)

Participants:  6

Place:  121 Crichton Avenue, Dartmouth -  Workshop
(the woodstove providing hot water)

  9:30am to 3:30pm

Tools: scissors, awl, non-folding knife and lunch

Class contact: Register with Lillian Fowler  E-mail Lillian

Please Register and Mail in your Class Fee before January 13, 2012
Nova Scotia Basketry Guild, 121 Crichton Street, Dartmouth, NS, B3A 3R6
February 18, 2012 - Saturday
Birchbark Cylinder Container #2
with Joleen Gordon

Todd Labrador birchbark containerTodd Labrador making this vessel

This container, like the one in the January class but with root-laced birchbark bottom, is similar to the one Mi'kmaq artist Todd Labrador taught us a few years ago.

Instructor: Joleen Gordon

Cost:  $15.00 (includes materials)

Participants:  6

Place:  121 Crichton Avenue, Dartmouth - Workshop
(the woodstove providing hot water)

Time:  9:30am to 3:30pm

Tools: scissors, awl, non-folding knife and lunch

Class contact: Register with Donna Silvert  E-mail Donna

Please Register and Mail in your Class Fee before February 4, 2012
Nova Scotia Basketry Guild, 121 Crichton Street, Dartmouth, NS, B3A 3R6

March 17, 2012 - Saturday
Annual General Meeting
Mi'kmaq Quilling with Cheryl Simon
Quilled snow flake on birchbarkan example of one of the geometric designs

Annual General Meeting will take place over the noon hour break (noon to 1:00pm).  All members are encouraged to attend to vote for your 2012-13 executive and to bring your ideas for programming in our 25th year in 2013.

Workshop:  We are so fortunate to have had Mi'kmaq artist Cheryl Simon teaching us in two previous workshops working with porcupine quills and birchbark, replicating Mi'kmaq geometric and petroglyph designs.  This workshop will re-visit those techniques plus introduce us to using quills to create different "fill patterns" in designs. Cheryl will also introduce her new son Declan Andrew!

Guild members have donated hand-dyed porcupine quills and Lunenburg County birchbark for this event - many thanks to Edie, Clary and Monique.

Instructor: Cheryl Simon

Cost:  $10.00

Workshop Participants:  10

AGM Participants:  Unlimited (we need a quorum of at least 14 or 15 so we would like to see you for the meeting even if you cannot make it for the workshop)

Place:  121 Crichton Street, Dartmouth

Workshop Time: 9:30am - Noon,  Resume quilling 1:00pm to 3:00pm

AGM Time:  Noon to 1:00pm AGM and bag lunch

Workshop Tools: scissors for the bark and tweezers for the quills, your lunch

Class contact: Register with Joleen Gordon   E-mail Joleen

Please Register and Mail in your Class Fee before March 3, 2012
Nova Scotia Basketry Guild, 121 Crichton Street, Dartmouth, NS, B3A 3R6
March 28-April 29, 2012
"GREEN Basketry" Exhibition
with Guild Members

This exhibition of recently created baskets made by our members will feature locally grown or found materials available in Nova Scotia.  We have a rich variety of natural materials - shoots of willow, witherod and dogwood; strips of maple ash, and poplar; stems of grass, rush and straw; long lengths of tree roots, vines and garden leaves.  We also have a wealth of man-made materials - colourful telephone wire and plastic cord as well as paper, cardboard and boxboard, some of which are made right here in Nova Scotia.  All of these materials can be cut, woven, twisted, coiled, wrapped or re-shaped and re-woven into a variety of both traditional and "new" baskets, arbours, trellises and wonderful organic garden creations.

A Plea for Help to our Membership

Please Volunteer to help out in any way you can.  Ways to help could include helping the organizing committee over the next couple of months, helping with set-up of exhibition, helping with demonstrations and workshops before and during the exhibition, manning the gallery during the exhibition, helping with opening night reception, helping with the take-down of the exhibition.  The more hands we have the less work for all of us.

Most importantly please submit your baskets for the exhibition.

Time Line to help you plan your participation:
Submission of baskets for Exhibition:  from now until March 17th (please deliver to Joleen's home)
Demonstration:  Saturday January 28, 9:30am to Noon - Cereal Box Pencil Holder
Demonstration:  Saturday February 25, 9:30am to Noon - Telephone Wire Baskets
Set-up Dates:  March 27 and 28 at Craig Gallery, Alderney Landing Dartmouth
Opening Reception:  March 28, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Workshop:  Saturday March 31, 9:30am to Noon - Strawberry Box Lanterns
Workshop:  Saturday April 7, 9:30am to Noon - Easter Baskets of Paper Strips and Ribbon
Workshop:  Saturday April 14, 9:30am to Noon - Cattail birds
Lecture and Information Session:  Sunday April 22, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Gallery Hours:        Sunday - 11:00am - 4:00pm
Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday - Friday 12noon - 5:30pm
Saturday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Take-down:  April 29 and 30

Contact: Joleen Gordon   E-mail Joleen
May 19, 2012 - Saturday


Cost:  $0.00

Participants:  unlimited


Time:  9:30am to 3:00pm

Tools: Your eyes to watch, your hands to try a project

Class contact: Register with Lois Murray  E:mail Lois

Please Register and Mail in your Class Fee before May 5, 2012
Nova Scotia Basketry Guild, 121 Crichton Street, Dartmouth, NS, B3A 3R6



Basket and Basketry Outlets

Anne Mae Darville and Maggie Bean have baskets for sale at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia shop.

Greg McEwan's ash baskets and Alan Hayward's bark baskets are for sale at The Bogside and Carrefour in Halifax.

Maritime Hobbies in Halifax is now selling reed basketry kits, tools, pre-woven cane for chair seats and books. The kits are great if you don't have storage space for bundles of reeds.  They will also order reed, handles, tools, dyes at your request. 1521 Grafton Street, 902-423-8870.

Nova Scotia Basketry Contacts

New Glasgow:  Donna Manuel
Cape Breton:  Diane Langdon-Dann
Seaforth:  Hannah Dunleavy
Lunenburg:  Heather Sanft
Antigonish:  Sian Turner
Hubbards:  Peggy Jenkinson
Contact us

Other Things to See and Do

Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design
2012 Winter courses and workshops

For more information: www.craft-design.ns.ca


June 10-22, 2012
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Summer 2012 Workshops
Deer Isle Maine

 Basketry with Lissa Hunter.  From Portland Maine, Lissa is a well-known basketry artist who covers her coiled shapes with paper which is further painted and adorned.  
View her work:  

For more information contact
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts



"Untitled Eats"
The new café at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia is now Open 1:00pm to 5:00pm Tuesday to Sunday and 10:00am to 9:00pm Thursdays.  Available for lunches, private evening bookings as well as drop-in coffee and freshly baked goods.  The best part is the décor -- basketry lampshades and lighted panels woven by our own Honorary Member Chief Greg McEwan - they are stunning!
View their menu at www.untitledeats.com

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