Norman Schneiderman

Norman Schneiderman, or Nearly Normal Norman as he is known to his friends, has a long-standing interest in juggling, magic, music and the performing arts. As a founding member of Fool's Paradise Norman performed with the group a cross the Atlantic provinces and even west to the Calgary Olympics. In recent times he has been pursuing his solo Nearly Normal Norman career.

As an enthusiastic juggler, Norman has become increasingly involved in the International Jugglers' Association (IJA), first as a director of the organization and then as the chief administrative officer of the group. As such he has played a key role in the organization the IJA festivals over the last several years. He has championed the cause of putting the IJA on a sound financial footing and has done much to streamline it's administrative structure.

When not pushing paper or running around the continent problem solving, Norman is an extremely enthusiastic club passer, particularly interested in complex two-handed juggling formations. Throw some stuff at him and see what he does! Contact Norman.

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