Hovey Burgess

Hovey Burgess is a pioneer in North America in terms of popularizing the circus arts. A past president of International Jugglers' Association (IJA) Hovey later went on to head the Circus Arts Department at New York University. Non -jugglers are also familiar with his work through his cicrcus choreography and performance in the 1980 Disney film Popeye directed by Robert Altman!

The Bluenose Jugglers have been fortunate to have Hovey Burgess come to offer a special workhop on circus arts and juggling. We hope to see him here again in the future!

I would like to thank my parents who endured much anxiety and suffering over what must have seemed at first a capricious and clandestine affair -- my love for the circus. Had it not been for them, however, I doubt that my earliest memories would be of going to the circus. Indeed, it was my father who showed me how to juggle three balls -- my mother showed me how to walk on stilts. -- Hovey Burgess
