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Lunchtime Discussions: Mon July 13-Thu July 16, 12-2pm

(5684 Roberts st.) (FREE and everyone friendly-friendly)

There will be some food and a few folks hanging around to discuss any topics that might have been missed, and also to just generally hang out. Also, the button-maker will be available and so will the zine-making supplies.

  • Monday's suggested topics:
  • the gay bar scene. why is gay culture often centered around bars? who does this exclude? how can we create alternative? and anything else related to queer or gay social spaces

  • Tuesday's suggested topics:
  • unpacking our privilege. what heirarchies exist within queer culture and society at large? how does privilege change how people navigate through society? how do we recognize and use our privilege, and what does that mean? and anything else related to privilege or lack thereof

  • Wednesday's suggested topics:
  • spirituality. how do you reconcile being part of organized religion while being queer or lgbt? what are some alternative spiritual beliefs that people create for themselves? and anything else related to spirituality

  • Thursday's suggested topics:
  • still up for suggestion.