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Whole Systems Listserv: You subscribe to this list-serve by sending a message to:listserv@netcom.com with the message text: subscribe wholesys-l your name. The list is for the exploration of whole system principles, particularly in regards to economic, ecological, sociological and metaphysical transformation of our civilization. The intention is to create and discuss a positive vision for the future of planet Earth as a whole system. This is an unmoderated public list. No flaming is allowed, but frank discussions are welcome. It is pre-supposed that the participants support the general idea of creating a better future and are able to tolerate diverse viewpoints. Whole Systems List Serve- Whole systems l Systemics List Serve: systemics-L@newciv.org PRINCIPIA CYBERNETICA WEB - This site lists approx 12 mailing lists related to systemics, cybernetics , whole system change-Some are for professionals working in particular fields of systemics or cybernetics - while a few are accessible to the new systemicist / systems thinker. The Wisdom L Listserv: related website:
The WISDOM-L listserve allows Internet participants who are interested in wisdom to communicate, via group e-mail, with others who have subscribed to the list. To subscribe, send an e-mail message To: wisdom-L-request@rain.org with Subject: subscribe Put nothing in the body of the message. If done correctly, you will receive an automatic e-mail response confirming that you were successful in subscribing. Once subscribed, sending a message to wisdom-l@rain.org results in that same message going to all of the list's subscribers. Global Knowledge and Development- Virtual Conference
Discussion List:
Global Knowledge 97 is an ongoing global dialogue on how to harness knowledge and information as tools of sustainable and equitable development. Its focal point was an international conference on Knowledge for Development in the Information Age, co-hosted by the World Bank and the Government of Canada in June 1997.... ![]() ![]() Organizational Change Art Kliner's Home Page -lists
several lists.
![]() ![]() Governance Civic Values: Civic-Values--This list has sustained a powerful conversation on American values and politics among a wide range of people from all parts of the country and beyond. (Includes Canadians as well, which allows for some cross border comparisons of latest policy initiatives and practices) If you wish to join this list, send a one-line message--subscribe civic-values to: majordomo@civic.net If you would like to keep up with the debate on civic-values,
but don't want a pile of individual messages every day, you can subscribe
to the civic-values-digest. The procedure is the same. Send a one line
message--in this case, subscribe civic-values-digest to: majordomo@civic.net
![]() ![]() A guide to Environmental Resources on the Internet provides numerous listserv in many different interest areas Guide to Environmental Resources on the Internet
Ecobalance Listserv: To subscribe to the list send a message to liststar@gaia.org with the words "subscribe ecobalance" in the BODY of the message. The subject is ignored. Purpose:
New subscribers are encouraged to browse these archives
to get a sense of the discussions and the authors who contribute to them.
![]() ![]() Educational Listservs You can learn more about The Change Agency Network and List Serve sponsors by checking either of these websites: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~cll/CAN/frameset.htm Subscribe to change-l@ucalgary.ca
![]() ![]() A list for online women's activists
sponsored by Women's space magazine.
![]() ![]() Mailing Lists and Newsgroups on Cybernetics and Systems PRINCIPIA CYBERNETICA WEB
The following is an (incomplete) list of electronic discussion
forums on cybernetics and systems science. Please annotate this page, or
send me an email if you want to add a forum, or if you find some information
to be out of date.
There are three types of mailing lists:
* To subscribe to a LISTSERV list you need to send the message SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME Your_First_Name Your_Last_Name in the body to the subscription (LISTSERV) address. Some hosts run a similar piece of software called listproc obeying similar commands List Address: CYBSYS-L@BINGVMB.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU Subscription Address: LISTSERV@BINGVMB.CC.BINGHAMTON.EDU Maintainer: cybsys@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Cliff Joslyn) The purposes of the list include:
2) providing a means of communicating to the general research community about the work that Systems Scientists and Cyberneticians do; 3) housing a repository of electronic files for general distribution concerning Systems and Cybernetics; and 4) providing a central, public directory of working Systems Scientists and Cybernetician Cybernetics Discussion Group List Address: cybcom@gwuvm.gwu.edu Subscription Address: listserv@gwuvm.gwu.edu Maintainer: jixuanhu@GWIS2.CIRC.GWU.EDU (Jixuan Hu) CYBCOM stands for the "CYBernetic COMmunications Group"
over the Internet. It is based on the George Washington University in Washington,
D.C., USA. CYBCOM, was established in Fall 1993. The Center for Social
and Organizational Learning at the GWU invited a group of people to form
a "steering committee" for the CYBCOM List, to facilitate future discussions.
This is an effort to make sure that, whenever one of the committee members
is not available for some reason, conversations on the list can still be
facilitated and kept going. Currently, Dr. Stuart Umpleby (Director of
the Center for Social and Organizational Learning, GWU), Dr. Paul Pangaro
(President, PANGARO INC., Boston), Dr. Sanaullah Kirmani (Visiting Professor
of Management Science, GWU), and Jixuan-Hu are on the committee.
![]() ![]() List Address:
This is a list that tries to investigate and encourage the investigation of Systems science, human values and organizations. In a nutshell, it tries to look at the human side of using systems science. Of the systems oriented lists I had not seen many that addressed the human and organizational issues of using systems science. I named it sysval because I think that the merging of systems and (human) values is of particular importance but I would welcome any issues that are related to systems science, humans and organizations.
CSGnet links together those members and affiliates of
the Control Systems Group who have access to electronic mail. The Control
Systems Group is a collection of people from many fields, including (so
far) biology, economics, education, engineering, ethnology, law, management
consulting, medicine, psychology (clinical developmental, experimental
physiological, and social), social work, and sociology. Our common interest
is exploring control theory as a way to understand behavior. Our shared
conviction is that control theory offers not just an improvement of or
an extension to mainstream concepts of behavior, but a replacement for
them. Our aim is to continue to develop an understanding of the organization
of living systems, using control-system models, to explain how behavior
is generated and why it occurs.
![]() ![]() Newsgroup: sci.systems Newsgroup Address:
Status: Unmoderated. Sci.systems provides a forum for the discussion of the theory and application of systems science. In the broadest sense, systems science is the study of the nature of systems. Such systems can be physical, chemical, biological, sociological, economic, etc. Systems science and system theory can be applied to systems of all types. Systems science as defined here includes mathematical systems analysis, systems engineering, general systems theory, etc. This definition is intentionally vague in order to encourage discussion on all aspects of the study of systems. Discussion might include, but is not limited to:
Newsgroup: alt.cyb-sys
The list's aim is to help researchers interested in complex
systems to keep in touch with each other and with current developments
in the field. Relevant topics include artificial life, cellular automata,
chaos, criticality, fractals, genetic algorithms, learning systems, neural
networks, non-linear dynamics, parallel computation, percolation, self-organization,
and more. This is an unmoderated list: messages are automatically distributed.
![]() ![]() List Address: arachnet@uottawa.BITNET Subscription Address: Not Available Maintainer: M034050@MARSHALL.MU.WVNET.EDU (Ermel Stepp ) Arachnet is concerned with discussion groups, electronic journals, and the humanities, and I would like to infuse metacybernetics and the cybernetic philosophy into emergent e-journals on reflective networking (communication and information retrieval). Cybermind
An Electronic Forum For The Discussion Of The Philosophical And Psychological Implications Of Subjectivity In Cyberspace. CYBER-MIND is devoted to an examination of the new subjectivities that have emerged and might yet emerge in this arena. We are interested in particular in the philosophical, psychological/psychoanalytic and social issues engendered, particularly as they concern the user and the social. Some issues that might be relevant: the psychology of intimacy, the role of gender, the phenomenology of the terminal screen, neurosis and paranoia on the Net, the relationship of lag to community and communication, sex/gender/sexual orientation theory and electronic subjectivity, the role of the symbolic or imaginary in computer communication, the implications of symbolic extensions of the human ("external memory", and so forth), fantasy and the hallucinatory aspects of email/USENET groups/MUDs, and the psychoanalysis of lurking. Annotations:
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