Norman L. De Forest is a member of
Last site update: September 17, 2003.
IMPORTANT! If you have one or more Netgear routers with a model
number RP614, RP614v2, DG814, MR814 or HR314 then it is very important
that you update the firmware in your router. You could be one of the more
than half-million Netgear router users who, because of the default
firmware in the router, are causing problems for the University of
Wisconsin. Links to details and upgrade sources are available on my page,
A special seasonal greeting, ...
... a zipped batch file for all of the users who
have downloaded and liked my "Super Echo"
command. To be taken down on January 2 (or shortly after that date as
soon as I remember to do so).
Chebucto Community Net's Webcam:
Fenwick Place Web Cam - Chebucto Community Net
I have a few suggestions
for the last-minute Christmas shopper.
Special Announcement for Disabled Americans!
A Possible Exemption for Greyhound Threatened Accessability
but people rallied in protest against it.
Read about the results in
"Over-The-Road Bus Victory:
Boarding Everyone"
(Note: I found out that, due to a stupid error on my part,
the file access permissions for this file were misset.
If you got an error trying to access this in the past, try again.)
- Contents. You are there.
- Those wondering what my protest pages looked like with
Netscape or Internet Explorer can visit them at
- December3.protest.html
- protest2.html (January 6 and 7).
Those without frames-capable browsers can view the frames
displayed by Netscape or Internet Explorer separately at:
- protest4.html is an "improved"
version (even more graphically-hostile) of my first protest page,
December3.protest.html. Lynx users can see a simulation of what
graphical users see at
- protest5.html protests against sites
that use JavaScript URLs such as
href="javascript: showDisclaimer();"
that are inaccessible to text browsers such as lynx.
- protest6.html protests against sites
that encode hyperlinks as:
<a href="#" onClick='window.location.href="some.url.here">
some label here"</a>
so the hyperlinks do nothing when you select them with lynx.
- protest7.html protests against sites
that redirect any browser other than Netscape or Internet Explorer
(and sometimes even Netscape is redirected) to an "Unsupported
Browser" page that more or less tells you to [CENSORED] off until
you want to come back with their approved browser(s).
- protest8.html is an "improved"
version (even more graphically-hostile) of my protest4.html page,
that protest against sites that not only use images for everything
but that also use alt="" as the alternate text for all of
their images, making the links unselectable unless image-links
are enabled. Lynx users can see a simulation of what
graphical users see at
- Don't Know Where to Go? Here's
a Map of My Web Site.
Norman's AntiVirus Page.
Sorry, No Pretty Pictures.
Who is Norman De Forest anyway? -- a bit about me and some of the
things I like. This is where you will find the most bizarre items on my
web site (not to say you won't find some elsewhere on my site).
- Spam, Spam, Spam, Eggs, Bacon, and Spam...
- A Little Bit of History, the Halifax
Armory returns to my website.
- The Family Section:
Something for the parents in your family. Protect your children.
Included are links to Internet access restriction software to help keep your
kids away from undesirable Internet sites and warnings of dangerous
products that pose a threat to your children's health or safety.
Something for the kids in your family. (There is NO link back to my
home page from my "Kids" page so parents can include it in any
list of "safe" sites for their children without giving them
full access to the Internet.
For the Handicapped. -- a couple of tips and some resources including
links to "Speech Friendly Search Forms".
Computer Hints, Tips, and Utilities. Includes un-advertised limited
time offer -- download PRN2FILE.
HTML Sampler.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly ... in which I sound off editorially.
- Links to Other Places:
Books and Stamps.
- Computers.
- Science Fiction.
- On-Line Dictionaries and Other References.
- "Speech Friendly" Search Engines.
Crime, Punishment, and Intrigue.
- Our tax dollars at work! Some people say that these should be on my
"Crime, ..." page but that's their opinion.
- Collecting our tax dollars in the first place! No, this doesn't
belong on my "Crime, ..." page either. Find out about
the lastest in tax dodges ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H loopholes
^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H regulations at the
Revenue Canada web site.
If you want to skip the initial entry page, you can go directly to
the language of your choice, as long as it's one of:
Science, Museums, and Culture.
Eat, Drink, and be Merry! Well ... drink anyway ...
Health resources.
Radio, Television, Sports, and other Entertainment,
including wheelchair sports.
- Money Talks (but all mine ever says
is "Goodbye!"). Canadian banks and other boring
financial institutions plus the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
Other Home Pages -- including Art Hill, Michael Smith on
Windows 95, Marilyn E. Burford on pets and Celtic tradition, and
^o^ CountB ^o^, the world's only quadruplegic vampire.
How to contact me.
The Chebucto Community Net Home Page.
Allright Then, Just One Picture If You Insist!
By E-mail to
af380@chebucto.ns.ca [see note below]
NOTE: No un-solicited commercial E-mail is tolerated.
I am not connected with ANY commercial enterprise so do NOT need
any commercial promotion schemes. I am NOT balding or overweight
so do not need any information on Minoxydol (however you spell it)
or weight-loss programmes. I have no interest in looking at dirty
pictures on the Internet. Since most pyramid schemes include at
least one participant from the United States, the "Cc:"
field of my replies to them usually include initials such as
"IRS", "USPIS", "NFIC", and
"FTC". I don't like spam (I am not referring to Spam,
the lunch meat in this context, which I like) and have no need to
purchase any bulk e-mail software and use it to piss off the Internet
community and lose my Internet account. If I want to piss off somebody,
I'll do it on a one-to-one basis. I refuse to purchase ANYTHING that is
advertised by means of Unsolicited Commercial E-mail. Do not consider
the existance of an e-mail address on my site and a request for comments
on my site as any justification for sending me any commercial promotion
Also, I reserve the right to retransmit, repost, or otherwise
communicate the contents of any and all Unsolicited Bulk E-mail (UBE,
Commercial, Religious, or Political) to wherever or whoever I deem
appropriate regardless of any copyright notice attached to the offending
E-mail. Sending me the UBE indicates your acceptance of those terms.
By "snail-mail":
Norman L. De Forest,
General Delivery,
Halifax Central Postal Station,
Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada B3J 2L3
For other people or services, you can browse the
Chebucto Community Net Home page.
Pardon my artistic ineptitude... but you get the idea anyway:
/ \ / \
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\ \ | | | / |
\ \ | | | / /
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"LIVE LONG \ / __
AND PROSPER" | | / \
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\ /
Previous pictures -->
A Final Parting Thought:
Terri R. Stonecipher had these in her signature block. She was
gracious enough to give me permission to quote them here:
"The best friend of the deaf is not the fellow who gives them
advice and assistance. It is the man who asks them for it."
-- George Propp in 'The Nebraska Journal.'
"There are people who think deafness is a handicap purely because
they are under the illusion that they are saying something worth
-- unknown.
"The problem is not that the [deaf] students do not hear. The problem
is that the hearing world does not listen."
-- Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, 1988 (at Gallaudet)
Previous final thoughts -->
Popularity Figures.
... or How Many People Stumbled Onto My Web Page by Accident?
Allright, everybody and his dog seems to have an access counter on his web
site these days, even though some people don't like them. (See item number 8
in "
Top TEN Homepage Pet Peeves" in the Chebucto Newsletter)
So why should I be different?
Have a look at the
visitation statistics for my web site, and each page in it.
Webmaster: Norman De Forest,